08 | awkward

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It's a new day and a hard day for me, I literally have to see Leedo every 3 days a week because I have accounts class. I'm going to cry, I feel so awkward meeting him and now he's my seat mate? Can it get even worse?

"Y/n, I need your help!" Yonghoon ran to me with a paper bag.

"I need you to pass this to Keonhee" He handed me the paper bag that was full of clothes.


"I'm busy and I can't stop by. You'll do it right? " Yonghoon scratched his head.

" yea sure. I'm like your errand girl.."

"Yea you are." Yonghoon laughed and went out of the house.

Whyyy must I do this? I hope I don't bump into Leedo today...

While I was walking it seemed like it was going to rain and it did. I rushed to the building as fast as I could.

Me being the clumsy ass, ran down the stairs and slipped. I thought I would hurt myself but just as I thought of that someone caught me from falling.

"argh, my clumsy ass-" I said as I was still in the arms of the person that caught me from my fall. Before I realized who it was I was starring into the person's eyes.

Who else would it be? I got really flustered and didn't say a word. I stared into his eyes and he stared back.

" Are you okay? You shouldn't run down the stairs. You might hurt yourself " Leedo looked concerned.

As I came back to my senses, I pushed him away from me.

"uhhh- thanks for saving me- and uh where's Keonhee?" I stuttered and didn't make any eye contact with him.

"Keonhee? uh- He went that way and welcome." Leedo pointed to the left and I walked to that direction hurriedly without taking a glance at him.

"y/n wait, I have something to give you-" I didn't even look back.


"y/n wait, I have something to give you-" I looked at the paper bag I was holding.

I guess not again. Her birthday is coming, I just wanted to give her a gift but the timing was not right.

Why is she acting so awkward lately? Did I do something?
I was talking to myself when someone whispered to my ear.

"I think she likes you~"

"What?" I was shocked hearing that.

"What do you mean, hyung?" I looked at him confused.

"What else do you think she acts weird around you? And you, don't you like her?" I blushed a little at his comment.

" I knew it " Ravn said as he walked to the practice room.


" Y/n, did you pass the bag to Keonhee? " Yonghoon questioned.

I paused for a second and thought about what happened between me and Leedo.

"yea, totally~" I said while staring into space and smiling like a freaking idiot.

Yonghoon was snapping his fingers in front of me.

"hey, hey, hey, y/n? You okay?" Yonghoon waved his hands.

"yea- anyways LISTEN CAREFULLY" I opened my eyes super big and went closer to Yonghoon and whispered into his ears.

"I think my dreams actually come true" I whispered and Yonghoon laughed hysterically.

"y/n, have you gone mad?"

"what, nooo! it's true! There's this one time I dreamed about a guy I met at the cafe and all the scenario's in my dream became true in real life!" I screamed at him.

"Okay y/n. But who's the guy~ wait that also means you can predict the future?" Yonghoon suddenly got interested.

"now you're interested? who knows? Keep this as a secret no one else can know and I'll tell you my dreams every time I have one okay?"

"Okay but who's the guy?" Yonghoon pestered.

"I'm not telling you" I stook my tongue out and went to my room.

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