24 | scared

497 35 10

"why are you crying?" Leedo looked concerned.

Leedo came to me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay, just let your tears out." He patted my head lightly.

"it's such a bad day today" I sobbed and I think Leedo's shirt is soaking wet.

"yes I know, what happened."

"no it's not only that. I also had a nightmare of someone dying, someone close to me." I cried even more.

"it won't happen. Trust me." Leedo comforted me.

"but I'm scared it would... Most of my dreams come true but most of it were nice dreams not nightmares, so i'm just scared it would." I asked Leedo to let go of me so I could wipe my own tears.

"If it happens, I'm here for you, I'll protect you, no matter what happens" Leedo took a piece of tissue and wiped my tears.

"Thanks, I can always count on you." I smiled and continued to drink my iced chocolate.

We left the cafe together and went back to the company because I had to go home with Yonghoon today.

While we were walking, I felt someone tap my shoulder.


"hm?" I turned around and saw Harin.

"follow me"

"why and where?" Leedo asked confused.

"Yonghoon. Practice Room." Harin answered shortly and grabbed my hand.

"why are we here for?" I asked Harin.

"Yonghoon asked me to bring you here." He knocked on the practice room door.

"Yonghoon!" Harin shouted.

The door opened slightly and there was Yonghoon, he stood right in front of the door and greeted me with a hug.

"aww my lil sis is having a bad day, why don't we head to somewhere you can release your stress?" Yonghoon showed me his car keys.

"you're driving?"

Yonghoon pulled me to the parking lot.

"wait you have a license?" I replied sarcastically.

"y/n, of course I do."

"uh, I dont trust you but since you're bringing me to somewhere fun then I don't mind" I hopped in the car.

"Wait who's car is this?"

"Harin's." He hopped into the car.

"you stole his car?" I was shocked.

"No, I asked for permission. You gotta chill" He put on a pair of sunglasses.

I grabbed it and took it of him.

"You don't need that, you don't even look cool" I laughed.

"y/n, you meanie."

"let's go nowww. where are we going?" I was anticipated to where we were heading.

Suddenly my head started to hurt, I closed my eyes for a second and some flashes of the accident from my nightmare appeared.

"oh no, please don't let that happen." I shaked my head.

"Y/n, you okay?" Yonghoon looked at me weirdly.

"Got a headache?"

"yeaa, it's nothing. You don't have to worry." I said and smiled through the pain.

"Just take that thought away from your head and now let's think about where i'll take you"

"We're going somewhere fun, somewhere you really like, somewhere you always wanted to go everytime I asked you."

"It's the amusement park!" I shouted in joy.

"y/n, you smartie" he laughed.

My phone started buzzing.

"this looks the same as my nightmare, no I don't want it to happen, please no." I shaked my head and ignored it.

"you should pick that up, it's annoying." Yonghoon pointed to my phone.

"uh okay, I picked my phone and looked at the screen" I was wishing it wasn't Leedo.

"nervous?" Yonghoon laughed as he saw my phone screen that wrote showed a chicken emoji.

"It's your boyfriend, so you should pick it up." Yonghoon teased.

"oh no." I held the phone near my ear.

"Hey y/n, so where are you going?"

At least in my dream he asked something else.

"guess" I laughed and Yonghoon kept on teasing me.




"Noooo, guess again!"

"amusement park?"

"YESSS" I smiled like an idiot, he got the answer right.

"YESSS" Yonghoon imitated me.

"Is that hyung? He sounds horrible." Leedo laughed on the other line.

"yea of course"

"Wait Y/n, before you hang up, I have something to tell you." Leedo said shyly.

Yonghoon started to tease me and I started to get embarassed.

[ Leedo's POV ]

I should tell her the truth by now. It's been to long, I can't keep my feelings from her anymore.

"wait y/n, before you hang up, I have something to tell you." I said shyly.

"what is it?" I heard y/n's honey voice on the other line.

I'm so in love with her even her voice makes me melt.



I didn't even finish my sentence and a loud bang was heard from the other line.


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