19 | misunderstanding

501 31 1


I woke up due the shout I heard.. I saw Yonghoon running towards me and started going berserk.

"y/n, why are you alone in the house with Leedo and lying on Leedo's shoulder!" His eyes opened widely while smiling evily to me.

"wait what? I layed on Leedo's shoulder?" I got suprised as I didn't remember that happening.

"Hyung, I'm just here because of the assignment." Leedo woke up.

"sure. I though you guys were on a date or something." Yonghoon laughed and ran to his room.

"omg hyung really is stupid." Leedk laughed.

"it's late you should head back home. I'll finish the rest." I helped Leedo pack his things.

"sure, you can lye on my shoulder anytime. I don't mind." Leedo waved good bye.

I stood still and didn't move an inch. "What did he just say"

"YONGHOON!" I ran to his room.

"Open the door"


I pushed Yonghoon into his room and told him to sit on his bed.

"about my dreams being true, I guess it's really true, like I told you the last time it came true."

"really? You still haven't told me who the guy was from your dream the other day" Yonghoon looked angrily.

"I'm not telling you that, but my dream about the camping trip that day came true, the question that you guys asked during the truth or dare game came true!" I shaked him and was shocked by my own self.

"Looks like you can be a fortune teller now!" Yonghoon laughed.


"Fine, you don't like my jokes" Yonghoon looked down.

"What ever Yonghoon~" I hit his arm and rushed back to my room.

I saw my phone lit up on my desk beside my bed.

I picked my phone up and checked the notification I got. It was from Leedo.

"hope the assignment is going to go well and sorry for the misunderstanding..."

"it's okay and Yonghoon doesn't care..." I replied and put my phone back onto the desk.

2 weeks has passed

It was finally the assignment day!

"y/n, don't get nervous" Leedo handed me a box of chocolate milk he bought from the vending machine.

2 weeks really passed that fast and my friendship with Leedo became stronger. We literally just became best friends by just doing our assignment haha.

"what if my mind goes blank and everything goes wrong and we don't get the marks for the exam and everyone will-" I freaked out but got cut from Leedo.

"nothing will happen, calm down. If you go blank then i'll just back-up" he showed me some thumbs up and cheered me on.

"Thanks, you're the best!" I hugged him.

Once the teacher arrived, my heart was beating frantically and I panicked.

"Remember what I said? Calm down..." Leedo smiled.

"Calm down y/n~" I said to myself.

Class was over and our presentation went well! I was so happy because our teacher said that our presentation was the best among the other students.

"Thanks for being so cooperative~" I held my hand out for a high five from Leedo.

He high-fived me back and we walked back home together.

"y/n, you were suppose to walk with me today, why did you leave me?" Yonghoon arrived in front of the door after a few minutes when I arrived.

"uh..." I totally forgot I was suppose to walk with him.

"fine, walk by yourself again... Who knows one day you'll get kidnapped or something." He said sarcastically without looking at me.

"hey hey don't say that... I walked with someone today okay, don't need to worry." I fired back at him.

"wait- who?" Yonghoon suddenly got excited.


"you're always with him...i'm assuming you guys are dating?" Yonghoon looked at me suspectingly.

"No, we're just friends" I flat out said to him.

"I need some dating advice" I talked to myself.

"yea you do.... you need a boyfriend soon, so that I don't have to follow you shopping and do errands for you."

"you don't even help me with those things"

Yonghoon pretended he didn't hear what I said and walked away.

"I'll just ask Seoho" I walked to my room to message seoho.

"can we meet tomorrow?" I texted him.

In just seconds he answered back.

"sure, where?"

"playground, near my house."

"okay, but can we meet at night?"

"sure! It's cooler at night haha"

Yes I finally can meet Seoho!. I really need dating advice. I can't believe I'm asking Seoho and not Saemi.

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