09 | pairs

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"Today you have to divide yourselves into pairs! Please pick your partners now!" My accounts teacher said. Who am I going to pair up with? I literally have no friends in this class.

A group of girls was crowding around me because everyone wants to team up with Leedo. Of course he is handsome and everyone LOVES him.

"Leedo, team up with me!" A girl said as she tugged on Leedo's sweater.

"Uh, how annoying" I said to myself while rolling my eyes.

"No, I should team up with him!" Another girl said and they kept on bickering with each other.

Finally Leedo spoke up.

"I'm going to team up with y/n" He held my hand and dragged me to tell the teacher.

"Wait Leedo, you didn't even ask me-"

"you don't have any friends, you'll be lonely, so i'll just be your partner. " Leedo smiled as he was still holding my hand.

"omg what Leedo went for y/n?" One of the girls said but I just ignored it. Honestly they were whispering but I could hear everything but one comment made me feel kind of angry and sad at the same time which was

" Why y/n? She's not even pretty"

I really hated that comment. I don't even have any self confidence in me. I just ignored them as I knew I was going to get a lot of criticism.

"y/n, don't mind them. To me you're beautiful." Leedo stared into my eyes and smiled.

Why do I feel flustered? I think I'm blushing like a tomato once again. He called me prettyyy! Y/n get a hold of yourself.

" Get back to your seats, we have a presentation to do and please finish it up by next month. This is for your exam points. Good luck and goodbye" The teacher left the class.

"y/n, can I get your number?" Leedo asked as he held his phone out to me.

He wants my phone number now?

" for-" I got cut of by Leedo.

"It's for the assignment. I need to contact you to arrange times to meet up. What were you thinking about?" Leedo said a bit confused.

"ooh- yea" I typed in my digits and passed his phone back.

" Thanks, I'll text you tonight after practice." He walked out of class.

"hm? so he is my partner now."

I walked out of class immediately and rushed to my locker to take my books for the assignment.

While I was on my way a group of popular girls bumped into me.

"oops, sorry loser" One of the girls said with an annoying tone.

"please look where you're going, you're not blind yet" I said sarcastically and picked up my books that fell.

"What did you say? BLIND?" one of the girls pushed me against the locker and there was a loud BANG and everyone looked at our direction.

"yea, I said blind.." I bravely answered but one of the girls slapped me on my cheek.

"ouch" I held my cheek. I looked at her with annoyed eyes.

"That's what you get for being rude, ugly. " the girl who slapped me said to me.

"you're ugly" I said as I looked at her with my eyes that was going to stab her.

"WTF" she held her hand high in the air and I closed my eyes because I knew the slap was coming but it didn't happen.

When I opened my eyes I saw Leedo.

"Get your hands away from her"

Leedo grabbed the girl's hand and pushed her away.

"y/n, are you okay?" He held my cheek.

"why didn't you fight back?" Leedo kept on talking and talking to me but I couldn't hear a thing and just leaned my head on his chest and broke down.

Leedo embraced me tightly.

"it's okay, I'll make sure no one comes near you anymore!"

After that, Leedo walked me home. He was so kind and comforted me all the way back.

"hey, Yonghoon hyung." Leedo looked at Yonghoon and whispered.

"you should talk to y/n" Leedo bid goodbye and walked back home.

"Yonghoon~" I rushed to him and hugged him tightly, eventhough I hated Yonghoon a lot but he is my brother, every time I had a hard time he was the only person I could talk to.

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