23 | nightmare

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" Where are we going? " I asked Yonghoon as he was driving the car without telling me where we were heading to.

"it's a suprise..." Yonghoon cheekily smiled and focused on the road.

My phone started to buzz but I was unbothered.

"Aren't you going to pick that up?" Yonghoon pointed to my phone.

"it's probably Saemi" I looked at my phone screen.


"OH" I answered the phone immediately.

"hey y/n, wanna hang out?"

"today? you mean now?"

"yes, now. I miss you."

"uh okay"

I laughed but did not hang up the phone yet.


The sound of two cars colliding into each other at the junction.

I woke up and was sweating buckets. I stood up immediately and started to tear up.

At the same time, Yonghoon came into my room.

He rushed towards me and hugged me.

"Another nightmare?"


He brushed my hair slowly and wiped the tears from my face.

"y/n, you can't be looking this ugly so early in the morning, we need to meet the ceo" Yonghoon joked.

"Yonghoon~" I pushed him out. I started to get ready to meet the ceo, why? No idea.

"y/n, let's go! We don't have much time."


We took a taxi since Yonghoon was lazy af to walk and I don't really trust him driving.

"y/n!" Keonhee rushed to me and hugged me.

"long time no seeeeee~" I smiled cheekily and pinched his cheeks.

"y/n" I heard Leedo's voice and saw him directing me to follow him.

I followed him to the back of the building where they had a nice garden.

"I need to tell you something." He held both of my hands and looked straight into my eyes.

I laughed for a milli second because he looked cute today and why does he look so serious?.

"okay, just say what you wanted to say" I smiled.

"y/n, i-" Leedo got interrupted by Yonghoon who walked into the cute moment.

I yanked my hands out of Leedo's grip immediately.

"Leedo, can we have a second?"

"uh sure" Leedo followed Yonghoon.

"What an awkward moment..." Seoho suddenly appeared.

"When were you here?" I asked.

"The whole time. Since you and Leedo arrived here. I was just sitting over there enjoying the breeze." Seoho pointed.

" Do you know what Leedo wanted to say?"

"I think I do but I don't think I should be the one telling you." Seoho walked back to the others.

"what?" I questioned Seoho's statement but he didn't hear me.

Leedo and Yonghoon scene

"Geonhak. This is important." Yonghoon said while folding his hands, looking a bit angry.

"what is it hyung?" Leedo questioned.

"You need to tell y/n truth, don't be afraid." Yonghoon left Leedo standing there clueless.

[ Back to y/n POV ]

" Come on y/n. The CEO is waiting for you." Dongmyeong grabbed my hand. He dragged me into the meeting room and wow the amount of staffs that were there was bizarre.

"um, hi everyone, I'm Jin y/n" I bowed to the staffs that were in front of me.

"y/n sit there, we need to discuss about the stylist position." The CEO pointed to the seat beside him.

I walked straight to the chair and sat there feeling awkward.

"y/n, you can't be the stylist anymore. I'm sorry, education is way more important for your future." I felt like there was a lump in my throat and I couldn't say a word because I was just so shocked.

The meeting ended. I wasn't in the mood at all to speak to anyone but Leedo approached me.

"y/n, what about a cup of iced chocolate at your favourite cafe? I'll pay." Leedo pouted.

"let's go" He held my hand and pulled me to my favourite cafe that was nearby.

"Here's yours y/n" Leedo passed the iced chocolate to me and held out the straw.

I looked down. Not even realising the straw that Leedo handed to me.

"Fine y/n, I'll poke it for you" He took my cup of iced chocolate.

"Now drink up or you'll be dehydrated."

"u-uh t-thanks" I sipped a bit of the iced chocolate. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks.

"why are you crying?" Leedo looked at me with a concerned look.

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