26 | end

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"I have some good and bad news." The doctor said as he took of his spectacles.

ONE YEAR LATER - 17 august

" y/n, I'm here!" I heard a husky voice calling my name from my front door. I immediately rushed to the front door and opened it just to see Leedo standing in front of the door with a bouquet of flowers.

"Let's go, we'll meet the others there. " Leedo held my hand and rushed into the his car that was parked by the side walk.

A few minutes later we arrived

We all stood around Yonghoon but y/n and Leedo stood closer to him.

" Happy birthday, idiot " I laughed.

" thank you for always listening to my dreams and nightmares, thank you for always not complaining when i call you an idiot or stoopid, you were always by my side when i needed you, thank you. " I said emotionally as tears escaped from my eyes. Leedo held my head and brought me closer for a hug.

" Yonghoon hyung, here's your gift, i specially ordered these yesterday, and picked it up this morning so it's still fresh." Leedo handed the bouquet of flowers to him.

" hyung we miss you a lot and please do visit us when you can. " Seoho came closer and cried.

" Xion cried everyday because he couldn't disturb you when you're making songs anymore. " Keonhee said as he slapped xion's shoulder.

"KEONHEE too." Xion was embarassed and closed his face with his hands.

" hyung, no one's there to teach me how to sing or rap in the studio anymore." Harin joked.

" Hyung it's been a year since you left us and things around us really changed. " Dongmyeong said.

" I can't hear your compliments of my dance moves anymore." Hwanwoong pouted.

"Onewe is no more onewe without you, we're missing a member, please come back." Kanghyun held back his tears.

"hyung, we all miss your nagging a lot." Ravn was on the verge of tears.

" Who's going to produce and write songs with me now? " Cya continued.

They all said really emotional things and everyone started to shed tears.

"h-hyung, remember that promise you told me? The one about y/n? You wanted to be there when i did it. " Leedo smiled and looked at y/n.

"I'm going to tell her now" Leedo starred into y/n's tearful eyes.

"y/n, I couldn't express my feelings to you before but now I think I can with Yonghoon by my side, he's cheering for me and I have to this now before it's to late." y/n looked super confused.

" y/n, I like wait no I love you. I wanted to say this earlier but I thought you wouldn't accept me." Leedo finally confessed and hugged y/n tightly.

" Yonghoon, is that seriously your promise with him?" y/n laughed by the thought of it.

" Geonhak, why wouldn't I accept you? " I smiled and whispered
" I love you too" into Geonhak's ear when I hugged him.

"h-hyung, I did it." Leedo smiled at Yonghoon.

The whole of oneus and onewe clapped for them and they were super happy. Even Yonghoon. Eventhough he wasn't physically there but we all know he was there.

We all stood in front of Yonghoon and held hands as we starred into the beautiful view that was ahead of us.

"we love and miss you Yonghoon, we hope you're in heaven."

So that's the end of this book and bruh this chapter wasn't really good i guess because i couldnt express my ideas here and my brain was jammed. I hope this chapter actually made you guys cry or maybe felt a bit sad because like i really wanted that to happen huhu, but if not then bruh , i'm sad haha. Okies thanks for reading this book and thanks for supporting me (。・ω・。)ノ♡. A new oneus book is coming out soon ! ( ◜‿◝ )♡

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