02 | ONEUS

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Finally semester break is here, I'm finally free but still I have an assignment huhu. Why is life so sad. Anyways I had a dream yesterday that I was going to meet someone cute at the place Yonghoon mentioned but you know my dreams just doesn't come true so why hope for it to happen?

"y/n let's go!" Yonghoon dragged me into the car.

Once we arrived the recording area, I was shocked and amazed by the beauty of the park.

"what a beautiful sight" I said mesmerized.

"oh thank you y/n. I appreciate that."

"wait what ew no, I wasn't saying that to you." I hit dongmyeong on the arm playfully and hugged him.

" long time no see Dong Dong. " I smiled and hugged him tightly.

" Stop calling me that and you're suffocating me!" Dongmyeong said hardly.

"what brings you here? want to see cute boys? like me?" Dongmyeong smirked at me.

"ew, no never you're not cute haha and I came here for my bro sheesh " I gave him a ' you know what I mean' face.

"okay then, bye need to go! Manager is calling." dongmyeong waved as he ran to his manager.

I waved and walked around the park and ended up smelling the beautiful flowers. This is what I mean when it feels like heaven, beautiful flowers, refreshing air and a beautiful scenery.

" I know right "

Someone replied to me. Wait I came here alone? I looked beside me and I saw a tall and gorgeous boy, he had blonde hair, beautiful eyes and had the cutest smile. "Why is he so perfect?" that's the only thing that was in my mind the second I saw him and my heart was beating really fast.

Just like that, the boy disappeared and I couldn't remember his face because of the sunlight shining in my damn eyes.

" wait I didn't get to know your name." I said as I stood up and looked around.

" why have I seen this before? " I asked myself and shooked my head. I just continued walking till I reached the shooting area. I picked a spot on the hill nearby and sat there while watching them shoot the music video and to my suprise I think the new rookie group was there too as I didn't know some faces.

I just continued looking and wondering if their music video would come out successfully. A few hours passed and they were looking tired and drenched in sweat. It was their break time now. Yonghoon and his band members as well as the new boy group members all came towards my direction and I felt nervous as I didn't want to make a bad first impression.

" y/n, so here are the new boy group members and remember what you said? you wanted to meet them? so here they are" Yonghoon gave me an evil smile and reached out for a bottle beside me while whispering into my ear " don't get shocked, I told you they were handsome" he laughed and asked the boys to introduce themselves.

" 2! 3! ONEUS imnida " the 6 boys in front of me said their greetings.

" Hi, hello, um.. uh my name is Kim Youngjo, call me Ravn." the first boy that looked like the leader stuttered and smiled.

" annyeongha-seoho haha, my name is Lee Seoho, call me Seoho." the second boy who seemed cheerful and had the cutest eye smile said.

" HI !!!!!! my name is Lee Keonhee, you can call me Keonheeeeeee" the tall blonde boy said with the happiest way haha.

" hey what's up, my name is Son Dongju, just call me Xion " the boy said as he showed a piece sign, well he looked the most savage one there but had a really nice smile.

" hey there! my name is Yeo Hwanwoong, call me Hwanwoong or even Woong." the shorter blonde boy said as he showed some of his dancing skills.

" um, h-hi m-my name is Kim Geonhak, you can call me Leedo." the boy with the deep manly voice said and smiled. wait that smile.... nevermind y/n. You never met them before right?

I shrugged my head to the thought and continued to do my greeting

" hi guys, so if you don't know, i'm Yonghoon's sister, it's like hell with him but anyways my name is Jin y/n, nice meeting you guys and I hope we become besties like me and onewe " I said as I shaked all their hands.

" so the introduction is done. y/n, from now on whenever i'm hanging out with the boys i mean i'm hanging out with all of them." Yonghoon nudged my shoulder and smirked.

"aaa okay" I replied and kept staring at Oneus.

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