05 | fault

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Leedo put his arm over my shoulder with the jacket held tightly over the both of us. He made sure I was covered but he didn't mind if it didn't cover himself.

As we walked I felt a bit flustered since our bodies were extremely near each other. I bumped into him a few times on the way but he just smiled and asked me to come nearer since we kept getting futher away.

"You need to cover yourself too, you'll get a cold!" I was concerned and pushed the jacket to him.

"It's okay, I'm a guy and I'm super strong! You can't get a cold either." Leedo held the jacket nearer to me.

We walked for a while and finally reached my house.

"Y/N! I thought you were dead or something! You didn't even answer your phone!" Yonghoon screamed at me once I reached the front door.

"Wait what- why is Leedo here?!?!?" Yonghoon asked curiously as he smirked at me.

"Ya, Yonghoon! It wasn't my fault, it was raining and I couldn't answer my phone- and and Leedo just helped me to get back here and also wipe your smirk of idiot " I said to Yonghoon and pushed his shoulder.

I handed back Leedo's jacket that was now drenched, I didn't even realised I snatched his jacket from him lol.

"Thanks for um sending me home? And also if you get a cold, I'm going to feel so bad" I bid good bye to Leedo.

"Wait Leedo! Don't forget about your practice tomorrow! And thanks for sending my lil sis home!" Yonghoon shouted and waved.

"No problem! I'll get going!" Leedo ran in the rain back to his house.

" I see you have a boyfriend nowwww~" Yonghoon teased me.

Wait what? Noo, he isn't my boyfriend, he just helped me, Yonghoon I hate youuuu!!!" I shouted and chased him into the house.

"I'm going to tell everyone!"

"No! don't! "


" Come on, YONGHOON get up!" I shaked him he was still in dream land.

"5 more minutes" he muttered.

"Hell no! Get your ass up! You're 5 minutes lateee!" I yelled and he finally got up to fix his hair and looked at the clock.

"Y/n why didn't you wake me up earlier!" Yonghoon panicked and rushed to the toilet.

"I did!"

On the way to RBW entertainment, I talked to Yonghoon about my dream I had about a cute guy that I met at the cafe and Yonghoon kept on teasing me about what happened yesterday.

Once we reached RBW entertainment, I was greeted by familiar faces and of course Leedo was there too.

"Hey guys!" Yonghoon hugged his bros and we all went into the building together, straight to their practice room. I sat in the corner of the room while looking at Oneus and Onewe practicing.

" Today we have to practice new choreographies for your side tracks for the upcoming concert that's going on in a few months" Their choreographer said with a strict voice and straight face. I felt really scared looking at him, wow they really go through hard times, I thought looking at them.

"Leedo and Hwanwoong, you guys are going to come up with the choreography, on the other hand the others need to work on ways to make your stage performance and song better" their director said and handed them a few pieces of paper and soon left the room.

They practiced for hours and hours and hours. Before it was time to head back home, their choreographer came in and asked them to show what choreo they came up with.

I was really impressed but one thing was off.

"LEEDO get your steps correctly! All your members can do it right, but why not you!" The choreographer shouted at Leedo and I felt so bad for him.

"I-i'm sorry sir, I have a cold and slight fever, I can't concentrate well-" Leedo got cut off by the choreographer.

"That is not an excuse! I told you to be in tip top shape, I want to see you improve by this week" The choreographer said as he exited the room.

All the members looked down and felt extremely sad that Leedo got scolded by the choreographer.

It felt like a knife went through my body as I was actually the cause of why Leedo got scolded.

I ran to him and quickly handed him a bottle of water.

"I'm sorry"

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