15 | birthday pt 2

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It's finally my birthday! I'm so happy. I woke up from bed and got dressed immediately. Today weus and I are going out together to a mall to celebrate my birthday.

"Yonghoon!" I knocked his bedroom door.

"yea y/n, I'm up" Yonghoon said as he opened his door and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

While we were eating, someone rang our door bell.

"Who could that be?" I looked at Yonghoon with a confused look.

"I'm not sure. You should check" Yonghoon told me.

I opened the door and to my surprise it was Leedo standing in front of the door.

"Yonghoon! It's Leedo!" I shouted and Yonghoon rushed to the door.

"oh hey bro!" Yonghoon shaked his hand and brought him in and whispered into his ear.

"what's Leedo doing here?" I was confused.

"Happy birthday!" Leedo wished me.

Yonghoon came back to the breakfast table and he looked really disturbed by his phone, he kept checking it every 1-2 minutes.

"Yonghoon, what's wrong?" I asked him in curiosity.

"I think my manager wants to meet with me..."

"hm? Suddenly? But we're suppose to go the mall today, remember?" I looked at him disappointed.

"I know but I can't ignore my manager, sorry y/n. I'll meet with you later on. Good thing Leedo is here, you and Leedo can head to the mall first" Yonghoon smiled and rushed out to the RBW's building.

"bye mom, i'm going out with Leedo" I bid goodbye to my mom.

We walked together to the bus stop and somehow Leedo was also looking at his phone constantly.

"hey, do you have a problem too?" I asked him.

"hm? no it's just our group chat is too chatty" he said while showing me his phone with the amount of messages they sent.

"ooh, no wonder"

"Hey, the bus is here, let's go" I nudged his shoulder because he was too focused on his phone.

We got on the bus and we sat beside each other. It was a long ride to the mall. Leedo got a bit sleepy because he practiced a lot yesterday after coming back from the camp.

"y/n, I'll take a nap" Leedo shut his eyes and dozed off.

Not long after that I felt something heavy on my shoulder and it was Leedo's head.

"cute." I said to myself looking at him sleeping peacefully.

I didn't mind his head on my shoulder. I just left him alone and soon I fell asleep too and my head lied on Leedo's head.

A few minutes passed, I woke up and we had one more stop left. I quickly woke Leedo up but he still looked sleepy. I took a photo of him because he looked extremely cute.

"look here" I laughed at him.

"y/n~ don't" Leedo tried to cover my camera with his hands.

We reached our stop and we got off.

"Is everyone here already?" I asked Leedo.

He checked his phone and messaged the group.

"um.. y/n... they said they can't make it.." Leedo said sadly..

My heart broke by the thought that none of them could come and to think I was so happy that i could spend my birthday with them.

"ooh, okay... nevermind I can still enjoy my day with you" I looked at Leedo and tried to smile.

"sorry y/n, they really wanted to come but Onewe had something up as well as Oneus" Leedo looked at me with concerned eyes.

"What about you?" I looked at him and I really felt the feeling of just asking Leedo to go.

"I came to your house to hang out with you because everyone had something to do and I ditched it" Leedo scratched his head.

"You'll get scolded again..." I looked to the floor.

"It's okay, I don't mind, just being with you is better" He held my hand and we walked into the mall.

We shopped and took pictures of each other. It was time for lunch but i was still disappointed I couldn't enjoy my day with weus.

"Let's go to that restaurant" Leedo pointed.

"Okay sure"

We walked in but I was looking at floor still thinking about weus.

When we walked to the back of the restaurant I was surprised by what I saw.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" Weus, all of them were there wearing party hats and they were singing a birthday song.

I fell to the floor and was surprised by what they did. I was so happy, tears started to roll down my face.

"Our surprise is a success!" Hwanwoong shouted happily and handed me a birthday hat.

"Y/n don't cry, let's enjoy the cake and the food" Leedo wiped the tears off my face with a piece of tissue.

"Thank you so much guys, I love you guys so much!" I hugged each one of them.

I blew the candles and cut the cake.

"We made the cake!" Dongju shouted and was proud of it.

"Really? This is delicious" I ate a slice of the cake and wiped some cream on each of their face.

"That's for making me sad." I laughed and took a photo of them.

"This is the best birthday yet" I looked at everyone and was so thankful.

imagine having a birthday party with weus that would be so fun, i'm jealous of y/n haha

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