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"y/n, what are you doing here alone?" Seoho sat on the swing beside me.

"huh? Why are you awake?" I questioned him.

"I saw you coming out from the tent. So i thought you needed company? You can't sleep?" Seoho looked concerned.

"yea.. I was just thinking about something."

"really? What is it about?" Seoho questioned.

"if i said some parts of dreams came true, would you believe that?" I looked at him.

"Well not really but I think some of mine have come true too" He smiled.

"hmm... So we're kinda alike?"

"I think so"

" This past days I think I have feelings for this guy but I don't know if my feelings are real or not.... Can you help?"

"hmm? You're asking me that? Oh well. I'm not so sure myself."

"Well you have someone you like... Can you tell me what's it like ?" I questioned him.

Seoho looked really flustered by my questioned and I thought I shouldn't ask him that but I just wanted to know.

"um...Close your eyes and think about the person you like."

"uh okay" I closed my eyes and Leedo's figure came out in my mind. OH NO.

"well the person that comes into your mind first is the person you like" Seoho smiled.

"oh my-" I was shocked and opened my eyes all of a sudden.

"y/n, are you alright?"

"uh yea." I shaked my head.

"So who was it?" Seoho suddenly questioned.

"I rather not tell, anyways did you confess to your crush?"

"Nope. I don't want to confess to her." Seoho looked at his legs and started to swing himself a little.

"why not?"

"I have my reasons."

All of a sudden the mood between us became awkward.

"Are you going to confess?" Seoho suddenly asked.

"no. It's going to be a risk if I did." I looked a bit uncomfortable.

Seoho suddenly changed the topic and started to blabber about weus when they had childish fights in their dorm. I laughed really hard.

"just call us weus from now on, it's easier"

"Sure thing"

"Let's go back to sleep." Seoho got of the swing and I followed him back to our tent.

"y/n? Seoho?" Yonghoon looked at us and gasped.

"Yonghoon? you're awake?" I looked at him suprised.

"What about you?" He questioned me back.

"I just had a talk with Seoho" Seoho smiled beside me and went into his tent.

"I'll keep an eye on you y/n" Yonghoon glared at me and walked back to our tent.

The next day we packed all our camping equipment and headed back.

"it's such an exhausting day..." Dongju stated.

"We just started the day..." Leedo glared at him.

"Come one guys! Don't be sad.. You know what day it is tomorrow!" Hwanwoong was so excited as he started to take selfies and photos of us.

"come on guys..." Keonhee looked at weus and they all shouted together.

"it's y/n's BIRTHDAY!"

I was overhelmed that they actually remembered my birthday.

"y/n, this year is going to be the best birthday because we're going to celebrate it with you!" Dongmyeong shouted.

"OMG REALLY?" I was super excited because it's been years since I celebrated my birthday with my friends.

"y/n you can upload the photo's of the camp yesterday on your social media now if you want to and don't forget to not show our faces... " Yonghoon pouted as he was kind of sad that y/n couldn't share photo's of them with her.

We don't want an article coming out do we?. It was hard hanging out with them and taking photo's without having them inside it.

Weus had so many followers I was shocked at the number I saw. I don't want any fans to suspect anything..... I'm Yonghoon's sister but I can't even hang out with them because of their obsessed fans, they keep thinking I'm using them for clout.

"y/n, it's okay. Just post it," Ravn gave me an assuring look.

"y/n, i'm going to start a vlive now because the fans are demanding for it on twitter." Hwanwoong held his phone high up so that I wasn't seen in the frame.

"okay, I'll just hide my face and try to not be in the frame." I moved to the side seat in the bus.

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