07 | best day ?

667 38 10

Here goes another day of boring classes...

I walked to the auditorium where my accounts class was held and as usual I sat alone. I layed my head on the table.

I hope class ends fast. oh how I wish that would happen.

30 minutes into class and I almost fell asleep when I heard the teacher suddenly talking enthusiastically.

"So someone famous is finally in my class?" I couldn't believe that I mean like my class is boring who would what to be in this class?

"Class today we have a new student! and he is an idol!"

Is my teacher telling a joke or something? This type of things only happen in dreams and fairytales-

wait this is really coming true.. am i finally going to meet a Ateez or BTS member in real life? I squealed in happiness and my eyes were fixed at the entrance of the auditorium.

The new student walked in, he was wearing a white T-shirt, jeans jacket and ripped jeans with his fluffy blonde hair.

"OH MY GOSH, HE'S HANDSOME" one of the students said and she was blushing.

"Class quite down!" The teacher scolded us and he asked the boy to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Kim Geonhak" his deep voice was literally making me fall in love and he looked super handsome and somewhat cute at the same time.

Reality just hit me when I heard his name "Kim Geonhak" freak it's Leedo! I SCREAMED IN MY HEAD AND PANICKED.

Is this what Yonghoon mentioned earlier? That I was going to see Leedo a lot?

I need to cover my face and don't make eye contact, why is the table beside me empty? he's definitely gonna sit beside me, help i'm panickingggg.

I quickly held up a book and covered my face so that only my eyes were seen, he won't recognise me right?.

"Geonhak, you can sit beside Kim Y/n"

Why did the teacher say my name? now he definitely knows it's me, I quickly put the book down and looked away as he sat beside me.

"hey y/n. Didn't know we would be in the same class." He gave me one of his smiles and damn, it was cute....(Y/n get a grip of yourself). He held his hand out for a handshake and I awkwardly stood my hand out and we shaked hands. I almost had a heart attack.

"oh yeah about yesterday- I need to apologize." I said stuttering while looking at him.

"It's okay y/n, I liked it." Leedo laughed.

I was shocked at what he said and the embarrassment in me grew, my cheeks were as red as tomatoes and all he could do was smileeee.

"you were cute being concerned about me" Leedo said and continued to listen to the teacher.

"y/n please concentrate!" The teacher called my name.

"Oops, now I'm sorry" Leedo scratched his head and apologized to me.

"it's okay"

Through out the whole lesson I didn't even know if I was listening or staring at Leedo. Some students were definitely looking at him too.

The lesson was coming to an end when Leedo accidentally dropped his pencil near my foot and unintentionally we bent down at the same time to pick up the pencil and our hands touched- I was flustered and quickly stood back up but I hit my head on the table.

"OUCH!" I whisper shouted.

Leedo quickly held my head and patted it with his soft hands.

"Are you okay?" Leedo said with worried eyes.

" I'm fine " I looked away trying not to make eye contact. Why did so many things happen today!

When class ended, I quickly grabbed my things and left immediately so that nothing ever happens between me and Leedo. Just as I though I was away from him, he called my name loudly.

"Y/N!" Leedo shouted, running towards me.

I stopped walking and looked at Leedo's direction. I felt super embarrassed since I really hate attention. Literally everyone in the hallway was looking at us,
1. Because Leedo is shouting so loud and 2. Because Leedo is there- .

Leedo stopped in front of me and was panting rapidly

" you forgot your pencil box" he handed it to me.

"Oh yeah and that pin is cute." He pointed at the Oneus pin, I had on my pencil box.

"thank you" I smiled and took my pencil box in a rush.

"bye, I have to go."

"Wait y/n-" Leedo held his hand out to stop me but I just walked away since I didn't want to make a scene in the hallway with everyone looking at us.

Author's note:
I just wanted to update today because I can't wait for next week hehe, hope you enjoyed it !

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