22 | messed up

482 31 7

[ Seoho's POV ]

I didn't expect y/n to fall onto me like that. I was completely in shock, embarassed and nervous all at the same time.

"uh bye y/n" I got up from the bench immediately and waved goodbye.

I know it's kind of rude but i'm not going to let y/n see my flustered face.... It's embarassing.

While I was on my way back I bumped into someone.

"uh sorry"

"It's okay hyung"

I heard a deep voice answering me back.

"hyung I need some advice..." Leedo said as he held my shoulders.

"is it important?"


I followed Leedo to a cafe nearby and we sat at a small round table at the corner of the cafe.

"so what is so important?" I asked him wanting to know the IMPORTANT thing.

"I like y/n" Leedo said and starred into his cup of coffee.

"WHAT" I stood out of my chair and looked at him shocked.

[ Back to y/n's POV ]

I walked back home alone since Seoho left me. I took out my phone and instantly dialled Dongmyeong's number.

"hi DongDong~" I teased him a bit.

"hi, stop calling me that.... What do you want?" He laughed.

"Can we meet at the cafe near my house?"

"sure, meet ya there in 10 minutes!" He ended the call.

Once I reached at the cafe, I ordered two cup of coffees for myself and Dongmyeong.

The cashier seemed to notice my presence.

"Hi, wait you look familiar!" She took out her phone and started to stare at a photo.

"You're Yonghoon's sister right?" She asked me and showed me a photo of me and Yonghoon.

I just flashed a smile and took the ready made coffees and sat at my usual spot.

"Dongmyeong's late" I looked through my phone for a while and soon Dongmyeong was sitting in front of me.

"What's with the mask?" I asked.

"Idol? Mask? Well it goes together..." He said.

"ooh yeaa" I shrugged and continued to sip on my coffee.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh well about Seoho's crush!"

"What why?" Dongmyeong raised his eyebrow.

"I just want to know.. i mean like you guys are probably even closer than I am with him."

"uh y/n, I don't want to disappoint you but even weus have no idea.. he only mentioned that we all know that specific person..."

"ooh, maybe it's a staff member?" I looked disappointedly.

"oh well maybe?"

[ Leedo's POV ]

"I like y/n" I told Seoho hyung.

"WHAT" Seoho was suprised..

"What do you mean" Seoho's eyes became bigger.

"i like y/n? Well I think I like her." I said a bit embarrassed.

"why didn't you tell me sooner." Seoho laughed but it looked like a fake one.

"Good luck with that" Seoho quickly walked away.

"wait, that's not the hyung I know" I said to myself.

I turned around and bumped into Yonghoon who was frantically walking my way.

"oh hey hyung." I waved.

"oh hey Leedo, sorry I didn't realize you there" He said while scratching his head.

He looked like he was disturbed by something?

"aaa hyung are you okay? Something disturbing you?" I asked in curiosity.

"u-um it's nothing just something to do with the u-um manager?" He took his phone out and walked away.

There's definitely something weird about him today, he's not himself...
Even Seoho hyung is acting weird. Is there something I don't know about?.

[ Back to y/n's pov ]

Seoho likes a staff? Well I thought he would like an idol or something but not a staff. I said to myself and started laughing.

"y/n, snap out of it" Yonghoon suddenly walked into my room.

"OH-" I looked suprised.

"y/n, I need to tell you something" Yonghoon scratched his head.

"what?" I wanted to know.

"uh nevermind" Yonghoon walked away.

"YONGHOON, TELL ME" I rushed to him and he stopped.

"you don't need to know, yet" He walked into his room and shut his bedroom door.

"sheesh, don't have to be angry" I walked back into my room.

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