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" I'm sorry "

I looked down to my feet. My head felt heavy and I couldn't lift it up, feeling so worried and guilty of what happened to Leedo. I passed him a bottle of water and he took it and walked away.

" He probably hates me now " I sighed and took a sit on the chair beside me.

"y/n, don't feel bad. It wasn't your fault" Yonghoon patted my back.

A tear fell on my cheek. Why am I crying? I talked to myself.

"Y/n, don't cryyyy" Yonghoon whiped the tear off my cheek.

" This isn't the y/n I knowww. " Yonghoon squished my cheeks and a laughter came out from my mouth.

They continued their practice and I couldn't help but stare at Leedo, his dance skills was spectacular the way he moves and dances to the beat of the song is so satisfying and smooth without a single mistake.

" Y/n, It's time to go home " Leedo taped my shoulder and I looked at him in confusion since I fell asleep while waiting for them. Without thinking I stood up and hugged Leedo really tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you got scolded because of me, it's all my fault" I said as tears started rushing down onto Leedo's shirt.

"hey it's okay, it's never your fault" he brushed my hair lightly and hugged me back.

"Now let's go" Leedo smiled.

We walked out of the practice room together and we didn't realize we were holding hands and oops the whole of Oneus and Onewe saw ussss....... OOPS

"y/n- what-" Yonghoon shouted and his eyes opened so wide I think his eyeballs could pop out.

"OMG" Keonhee jumped in excitement and was looking at our hands..

I quickly let go of Leedo's hand and took my bag from him.

"uh, it's not what you think" I panicked and held the bag high in the air.

"I was just reaching out for my bag, duhh" I laughed awkwardly and walked to Yonghoon super fast and pulled him away.

"Yonghoon no-" I said to him numerous times and all he did was laugh and smirked like he knew something was going on between us, but bro nothing is going onnnn.

"Leedo, you guys dating?" Cya asked. Leedo just smiled and changed the topic.

"aaaa, I wish this never happened :(( this is your fault Yonghoonnnn! Why didn't you wake me up?" I hit Yonghoon's shoulder multiple times and started sulking.

"accusing..." Yonghoon stuck his tongue out and walked to the other members to say goodbye.

Once we reached home, I went straight to my room and threw myself onto my bed.... why did this happen? how am I going to face the other members when I meet them again and importantly how am I going to face Leedoooooooooooo? I felt super frustrated and shoved my face into my pillow.

"y/n and Geonhak sitting on the tree-" I threw my pillow at Yonghoon's face before he could finish his stoopid teasing.

"shut up yonghoon!" I threw another pillow and it hit his face again, too bad for him he deserves that.

"sheesh, you're no fun" Yonghoon walked out of my room.

"anyways you're going to see Geonhak a lot the next time you go back to University!" Yonghoon plopped his head back into my room and threw my pillow at me.

What does he mean? I don't want to be near Leedo anymore.

Just as midnight came, I fell asleep and to think the next day I have classes, uhhh boringgg.

I was bored to death because it was accounts class, I mean like who wouldn't fall asleep with the teacher teaching and I can't even hear a damn thing. Sheesh so boring and what's even more boring? I don't even have a seatmate :( Saemi doesn't take accounting class and I don't have much friends, I'm a total loner.


Just as I wanted to fall asleep, the teacher spoke with a whole lot of enthusiasm, wow first time seeing him like this.

" Class today we have a new student! and he is an idol !"

Oh my god who would that be? ATEEZ? , BTS ?, wait what- I don't think sooo wait- I was so happy until I saw - "

freak that was a dream? seriously? the interesting part was happening but all I had to do was wake up?

Here goes another day of boring classes ...

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