20 | unexpected

495 34 4

I walked to RBW entertainment to see what are the boys up to.

Just as I arrived, one of the staff called me in.

"hi, y/n right?"

"hmm? yea.." I looked at the staff and was super confused.

"We need your help."

"what- me? Are you sure?" I laughed awkwardly.


The staff dragged me to their dance practice room.

"Unfortunately we don't have enough staff for their schedule today... Can you help?" The staff really wanted me to answer yes.

"Wait, so your special person was actually y/n?" Keonhee suddenly appeared beside us.

"yes, she has skills. According to Yonghoon " The staff said to Keonhee.

Me? skills what? I though it was a joke.

"we need you to be their stylist for today." The staff said.

"WHAT! ME? STYLIST? I can't do that-"

"but we heard from Yonghoon you're really good at drawing and you were interested in fashion. we've seen some of your sketches and it's beautiful and your sense of fashion is really good!" The staff started shaking my whole body.

"Yonghoon that idiot-" I was super annoyed.


"y/n, you'll do a great job!" Ravn said and patted my shoulder.

"uhh- okay" I was super happy and nervous at the same time.

"I'm going to be ONEUS'S stylist for a day~" I was shooked.

"here's your name tag to clarify you're a staff" Hwanwoong passed me the tag.

"i can't believe this" I looked at the tag and put it on straight away.

"we need to get ready now! The show is in 5 hours!" One of their staffs reminded and now everyone was in a rush.

"y/n, you'll have to choose the clothes later when we arrive at the set." Xion said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me into their van.

Once we arrived to the set for Music Bank we all rushed down and all the staff including me rushed backstage to find Oneus's waiting room.

Oneus had to go to the photo session area, to greet their fans.

"y/n, here are their outfits please choose them according to the theme and make sure all the outfits are the right size." Keonhee's make up artist showed me the rack that was full of clothes.

"this is going to be hard."

I checked the paper that Keonhee's make up artist passed to me and there it wrote the theme. It was a halloween theme today....

"aaaa y/n think!" I shaked my head and searched through the bundle of clothes.

"yes this is the one!" I found 6 white shirts and 6 black pants.

"Perfect! Now for accessories." I searched through the whole stack of jewelry and shoes and found all the perfect items.

"it's not that hard.. but I still had to give a little touch up to the clothes and also make sure they are no closet misfunctions."

Oneus finally arrived to their waiting room and I was so excited to style their clothes on them.

For today they'll dress as zombies! Handsome ones of course (・∀・).

"okay staff gather up!"

"We only have 2 hours to get ready... Please move extra fast and y/n I won't pressure you, today is your first day..." She said while giving me an assuring look.

I'm the stylist wait that means i'll see them shirtless.....no please my eyes......

All of them were taking off their shirts and they all gathered around me to get their outfits. I was really flustered... You know what i mean, 6 guys without shirts near me omggg..... My fangirl side came out.

I quickly passed them their white shirts and they put it on quickly.

I got a pair of scissors, needle and thread and a few pieces of extra white cloth.

"here I go!" I cheered on myself and started decorating each one of their outfits.

Leedo was the last one I had to style.

I was cutting some holes on his shirt and sewing some cloth around his sleeves.

"you're really good at this.." He complimented but I couldn't hear it because I was too concentrated on his clothes.

"Guess you can't hear me, but seeing you this precise of my clothes is cute.." he smiled at me.

"huh? I looked to his face and we were staring at each other.

"y/n" someone called me and I looked to that direction.

"are you done?" Leedo's hair stylist asked me.

"A tiny bit more" I finished cutting some flares on Leedo's sleeve and asked him to head to his hair stylist.

"huh that was tiring."

Someone handed me a bottle.

"drink some, you'll get dehydrated." Seoho said.

"Thanks" I took the bottle and took a big gulp. Seoho sat beside me on the floor.

"I'll accompany you." He said while smiling.

"but you need to practice."

"It's okay, that can wait. I have to accompany you, that's more important" he smiled and took his phone out.

"about tonight, don't forget..." I reminded him.

"Y/n these outfits turned out really good, thank you.." the head staff said super happy.


"Gather up boys! You're turn is coming up."

They looked really handsome with their hair and make-up done with their contact lenses on.

I watched them perform from the monitor.

"WOW" everyone said.

"The clothes actually make their moves look even smoother than before."

"Thank you y/n. You did a really great job today!" The staffs cheered for me and a big smile appeared on my face.

I went home satisfied and happy that I did a great job. Being a stylist for a day wasn't that bad...

I jumped onto my bed and wanted to take a nap.

"Wait, Seoho"

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