11 | picnic

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I woke up really early today because I had some plans with Oneus and Onewe. We were going camping together!

"Yonghoon get up, get ready. let's go! I'M SUPER EXCITED!" I woke Yonghoon up and I was jumping around his room.

"OMG YOU HAPPY PILL, SHUT UP" Yonghoon woke up with his messed up hair, he looked like he wanted to curse at me.

I got ready and took all our equipments, I hugged my parents and walked with Yonghoon to RBW's building.

"Now let's go!" We were so excited and hopped into the bus that was already ready for us.



It only took a few minutes until we reached Hangang Park.

"We're here!" I shouted and everyone woke up from their seat and ran out from the bus.

"It's been a long time" Cya looked at the park and rolled onto the beautiful green grass, well the others did too. They just looked like a cute family on their picnic together.

"let's set up the mat! I'm hungry!" I called them to gather up.

The spring breeze felt really nice and cool. I just love spring.

"y/n, we forgot to bring mineral water! Can you get some? Someone needs to follow you but i'm kinda busy..." Keonhee looked at me with worried eyes.

"It's okay Keonhee, I'm free" Leedo stood beside me.

Well I didn't want to go with Leedo because it will probably be super awkward. I wanted to find someone else but Keonhee and Harin were busy making sandwiches. Ravn, Hwanwoong and Cya were setting up the tent. Xion and Kanghyun were finding some wood that we could use for the campfire later and Seoho and Dongmyeong were making some sauce for dinner later on. Yonghoon on the other hand, was busy talking on his phone. I have no choice but to go with Leedo.

"Wait y/n! I can go with you" Seoho suddenly shouted. We turned our heads at the same time to Seoho's direction.

"Seoho-hyung it's okay, you're busy. I'll help y/n."

"Let's go" Leedo pulled me to the convenient store.

"Thanks for the offer and sorry..." I shouted back to Seoho before I got dragged by Leedo.

"well, are there holding hands?." Keonhee said and continued to make the sandwiches.

"yup, weird huh.." Harin looked at me and Leedo walking away which got further away from their sight.

"come on y/n, let's go" He pulled me to the nearby convenient store.

"why?" I asked suddenly which made Leedo stop walking.

"I- don't want anyone to- Nevermind" He entered the convenient store.

"what's wrong with him?" I shrugged and walked into the convenient store too.

I searched around and finally found the bottle of mineral water, it was packed together in six so it looked really heavy and also it was on the top shelf.

I'm too short and well short people can't reach it, I wanted to call Leedo for help but I have no idea where he went. I tried to reach for it and well I almost reached it when I tripped but Leedo caught me.

This again, awkward.... He caught me and looked into my eyes

"are you okay, why didn't you call me?" Leedo looked worriedly and reached for the mineral water bottles.

"Let's go, you can't get hurt anymore, I'll carry the mineral water. It's to heavy for you." He insisted and carried the 6 bottles. I just walked beside him as we reached to the camping spot.

He placed the bottles on the table and I went straight to Keonhee.

"is the sandwiches done?" I was really hungry and it looked really good.

"nope, not yet, you gotta wait." Harin took the piece of sandwich that was in my hand away from me.

"hey!" I pouted.

"sucks for you, you can't eat yet!" Harin sticked his tongue out and I was annoyed so I just walked away.

I stood near the river to enjoy the breeze and beautiful scenery.

"y/n let's play!" Ravn called me to play with them at the playground.

"kids haha" I laughed but I still joined them.

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