18 | assignment

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I was waiting for Yonghoon to get out from the house so that I could use his laptop.

"Yonghoon, when are you going outtttt, you have practice" I started to shake his chair.

"Wait, just one more game!" He concentrated on the laptop screen.

I pressed the off button on his laptop and he looked at me like he was going to freaking kill me.

"You didn't listen to me... and you're late again." I looked at the clock in his room.

"What do you care,,,and thanks for ruining my game." He took his bag and rushed to the entertainment.

"Finally he's gone!" I took his laptop into my room and tossed it onto my bed.

Now I got to get dressed up for Leedo! He's coming in a few minutes.

"Y/n, is Leedo coming today for an assignment?" My mom asked.

"Well yea, we have an accounts assignment and we have to hand it in 2 weeks" I said while searching for my clothes to wear.

"Well, you're dressing fancy?" She asked.

"nah, i'm too lazy, i'm just going to wear sweat pants and a loose t-shirt like i always do" I smiled and hugged my mom.

"Okay sweetie. I'm going out with your dad today, we have some reservations with your uncle." She said as she kissed my forehead and left the house.

"I'm alone again.."

20 minutes passed and finally I heard my door bell ringing.

"That must be Leedo!" I said as I ran to the front door. I opened the door and was greeted by Leedo holding a plastic bag full of food.

"I brought some pizza for lunch, I thought you would be hungry." He handed me the pizzas.

He came in and went straight to the living room.

"well, here goes the boring stuff.." I said while bringing Yonghoon's laptop and our references for the assignment.

It's been 1 hour and we both were confused. We were trying to figure out some math questions.

I sat on the sofa across from Leedo. I had to plug the laptop charger into the socket so that the battery doesn't die. Leedo on the other hand was looking at the math question.

"Y/n can you help me? I can't get the answer for this question." He asked me and I went to sit beside him.

"hm? Which one?"

"uh- that one" He pointed to the question he wasn't sure off.

I was explaining the question but I didn't think Leedo was listening..

I turned my head to him and our faces was again inches apart and I could feel my heart pumping even faster than before....

"y/n" Leedo spoke up.

"yea" I said.

"you're too close" He said while pushing my shoulder a bit to the back.

"oops, sorry, I think I was mesmerized by your face.... haha" I totally wanted to hit myself, why did I say that...

"uh okay, y/n can I ask you something." Leedo changed the topic.

He really likes to change topics huh?

"sure" I staggered a bit while adjusting my hair for no reason.

"If you were a vegetable what vegetable would you be?" He smiled.

"what a weird question..hmm i don't know? What do you think?" I asked him back since my mind went blank at that moment.

"you're a cute-cumber." He laughed.

I blushed, did he just called me cute? HAHA EXAGGERATING.

"you're cute y/n and pretty too." He suddenly said and I felt super nervous and embarrassed.

"No, I'm not." I said while nervously brushing my strands of hair to the back of my ear. I think I really have a crush on him.

"y/n, I like you." He suddenly confessed and I was shocked.

"what- I was looking at the question he asked before." I looked at him with big eyes. I couldn't believe this.

"Umm... Nevermind" He looked at the papers in his hand.

[ Yonghoon's POV ]

"Y/n is extremely weird today" I said to Cya.

"Why what happened?"

"She's just acting weird like caring if I go for practice on time and taking my laptop?" I kept thinking of it.

"Maybe she's hiding something..." Cya said and that totally hit me.

"She's hiding something from me... How dare she .." I rushed out of the entertainment and went straight home.

I opened the door and went straight to the living room.


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