sorry for the typos

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That was the beginning of this friendship. They have become best friends. Most often they go for outing with a jolly mood and came back after fighting with each other. Days were  passing very beautifully. Ecche's  trainings was about to end and she has to return now. But she didn't want it. How can she want it? From being a fangirl she met with her idol. And being lucky enough they become best friends. So it was the journey from being a fangirl to bff. This city has fulfilled all of her wishes. Her wishes to be a cardiologist to become a part of Darshan's life. But sometimes we can't do all the things what we want! Something we have to let it's the time of returning. “But as we believe “Durr hooke bhi  pass mere ho.”  And in this era of technology no matter where we are, where we live we can maintain our friendship. And... yes...maybe we won't be as connected as we are now. But since 2014 you're in my heart and now if I go away from you I'll be in your heart. Maybe I'll be the most annoying person, but though I'll be there. And you'll remember me Mr.Raval.  And this is giving me much courage to go ahed and fulfill my further dream . To pursue my career.  And I'll go and do it.” (Ecche's pov.)

07th June,2026
Ecche was lying on her sofa visiting her news feed and PRISHA was busy with her phone talking with her boss Mr.Jain. The door bell rang . Ecche stood up and opened the door. Darshan were standing there.
“You? Why you've come here?” Ecche questioned.
“I've come here to meet with Pri . Not with you. Move aside.” Darshan told.
“No I won't let you come inside!”
Huṁ spaṣṭapaṇē āvīśa",Darshan pushed her and enterd there. He sit in the bin bag.
“Pri, you're here at this hour?”Darshan asked
“Hmmm. I'm thinking to take a leave for 2 or 3 days!”
“you're Well na?”
“ I'm absolutely well.”
“So....let's go somewhere! Jaldi se packing complete karo I'm coming in 2 hours!” Darshan told in lots of excitement.
“I'm not going with you!” Ecche told.
“Oh please! Don't starts again.” Darshan said throwing his hand in the air.
“but where and why we are going?” Ecche asked .
“To the hell.” Darshan told and left the place. “Don't be late.” He added.
“to the hell! Don't be late! ” Ecche mimicked and threw her hand in disdain.

After 3 hours:
Prisha's phone buzzed. She saw and “Darshan” was in the screen. She received the call.
“hey I'm on the road. Come fast.”
Prisha tap the sound button and enable loudspeaker mode . “how can I come? Ecche is not coming na!”
“What the hell!” he told.
“tell your bff that I'm not coming.” Ecche told.
“tell that angry bird to come politely. Otherwise....”
“What? What Otherwise?” Ecche almost  shouted.
“otherwise I'll drag you on the road.” Darshan completed.
“I'm not going.”
“Then I'm coming .”
“do whatever you want. But I won't go.”  He hung the call.
“Kritz you stay here. I'm coming.” Darshan told to kritesh , his childhood best friend
“Darshan....Darsha....” Kritz called him but he left.
“prisha what happend? Why you're not coming?”Darshan asked . “I was waiting for so long!”
“how can I come? Ecche isn't coming na!” PRISHA told making a sad face.
“where is She?”
“In the balcony.” Darshan went there.

So where are they going? And for what they are going! Why Ecche doesn't want to go.? Stay with End to know more. 

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