Birthday gift for him?

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“You're doing wrong with me.”
“Just shut the fuck up Darshan. Just shut and leave.”
“I've told you so many times not to do this with her. I wish you would listen to me at least for once. At least..”
After that Darshan never went to ‘END'. He never called prisha. Hardik was also angry with him. Darshan was all alone despite living with everyone. In this time what he understood , his love for Prisha was not what he thought. Maybe it was attraction or infatuation. Whatever you want to give it a name, but it was not a love. At least not that true love he always looks for. He was living amidst the mess. And he was the one who created it. “as we sow, so we reap.” This was Darshan's personal life. Completely messed up, scattered, confusing. But his professional life was at it's peak. He release 3 songs and each of them were massive hit. He was uploading his pictures, videos, was showing so much love for his fan. And after seeing  this No one can have any slight idea what he was going through in his personal life. Sometimes we smile whole heartedly to show our happiness and sometimes we smile just to avoid all the problems, questions. And most important thing is every time your smile should be same, same vibe, same warmth. Sometime smile can also hide our pain. We do everything to escape from the reality.  But then there comes a time when we feel helpless, we feel defeated, guilty and we break down.  We just want to forget the pain we are holding in our heart.
18th October, 12 am.
Darshan's phone was vibrating. Loads of messages, phone calls, posts. It's  Darshan’s birthday . Darshan talked with them. Laughed. Smiled. And after everything he was again all alone.
He took his beer can and went to balcony. Today the sky is starry. Looking absolutely beautiful.
“Everyone wished me, except...except you miss ice cream.” He stoped and gulped some beer. “ why you left me? You loved me. At least you should have said me this. We were best friends, right? Best friends never hide anything. Then why you did? And this one thing just scattered everything. Why you left me? Here amidst of this people? Where are you? Where are you Ecche.  Please come back. I'm tired of this life. Please.....”
18th October, Morning.
Hardil came to Darshan's  room. But he was not there. He looked here and there and  saw Darshan was sleeping  in his balcony holding an empty  beer can. He slept there at night.
“Darshan” Hardil tried to wake him up. He was drunk. After some attempt he opened his eyes.
“You drank again?”
“Why I wouldn't? For whom I wouldn’t? Just say why you came here and leave.”
“Forget it.” Hardil said to himself,
“Mr. Roy is in drawing room. He is waiting for you.”
“Who is Mr Roy?”
“Ecche's lawyer. Come. He wants to talk with you. He was saying it's urgent.”
“Ab aur Kya rehgaya hai? Everything is over.” Darshan give him a disgusted look. “How can I say? He told me, I conveyed to you. Just come and meet him.” “Go I'll come in 10 min.” Hardil went and Darshan goes to his barroom to freshen up.
After sometime:
“Hello, I'm Darshan.”
“Hi. I'm Mr. Manoj Roy.”
“I don't know you, how did you know me?”
“I know you for my client, Ecche. Sit I've to show some document.” They sat together. What lawyer show him he was in utter shock.
“What the hell! Why she did it? When? You met her? Where is she now?”
“I've been informed she died in a plane crash. So I thought I should handover you this paper. I'll take your leave now. Bye.”
Darshan called Prisha. In these months for the first time , he called her. Prisha pick the call after 7-8 th ring.
“Now what you want, Darshan?”
“Pri,,Prisha I need to talk with you. Where are you say I'll come.”
“I don't want to talk with you. Stop irritating me.”
“If it wasn't urgent then I would've never called you. Say where are you? Otherwise..”
“Just forget it. Say where are you. I need to know something from you. Please.” Darshan was pleading.
“ok. Come to End.”
“Ok! I'm coming.”
“Say what you wanted?” Pri said. Darshan showed her that documents.
“You knew about it?” Pri was silent, holding back her tears.
“You knew it?”
“Just blurt it out, man!” Darshan shouted.
“Yes, I knew.”
“How you can let her do This? Like-"
“How can I know that... that everything will go this wrong. Everything will turn this worse. If I had any clue I would've never take her to my boss's reception.” Darshan blankly stare at her.
“When we came from goa, she went to lawyer. She didn't say me this. She said she has some work. And I was busy so she went alone.”
“You remember, she said she needed your signatures?”
“Yes, for some recommendation and donation. She has showed me paper.” Pri was smiling. “Don't say me that this paper were inside.” Pri was smiling silently.
“Darn it.”  Pri give him keys.
“I was waiting to give you these keys. Not so big, but from now End is yours. She has planned it for your birthday gift. Long ago” she turn around to wipe her tears.
“Why she did it ? We all know how she has bought this house. A flat in Mumbai...”
“ actually na I'm blaming you for no reason. I'm the actual culprit. I kept on saying you love her, you love her..” “What can I do? You showed so much care, love for her. Remember, when we were in Goa and a car was about to hit her. How you ran to save her. How you planned that trip just to celebrate her Birthday. How you took care of her when she was ill. And how much angry you were on me because that time I was not with her. After all these we thought.. abb jo hua usko to badal nahi sakte.” Prisha wiped her tears. Darshan was in utter disbelief.
“Ye puri samay wo mujhse pyaar karti rahi aur” Darshan smirked. “I wish... I wish I was not that blind. I lost the person who has loved me the most. I was finding True love and I lost the person who has truly loved me. For the first time someone loved me without any benefits and I lost her. I'm.... I'm such a looser.” He was on the edge of breakdown. Prisha went inside and came with a packet.
“She has bought it long ago. She wanted to gift you this, but I don't know why she didn't.” There was a Blue panjabi (panjabi is Bengali attire almost like kurta. And If I ever get a chance to gift him something, I'll gift him this. A blue Panjabi) Darshan took the packet, hold it close to his heart. A drop of tears escape from the corner of his eyes.

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