she is in hospital!!

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Almost a month has passed. Everybody was busy in their own life.  They were tangled with their work, responsibilities and stress. Darshan has released his new monsoon track. So he is busy in Promotion. PRISHA is in BANGKOK with her boss for a businesses trip. And Ecche... she is totally free now. She has just completed her study. She will join in next month. So she is here for the whole July. She convinced her professor just to stay with them. But here she left alone. Everybody is busy. MUMBAI.. THE CITY OF DREAM. THIS city is full of life. But at THE Same time it is lifeless. Because everyone here is chasing their dreams. They're working like a machine to achieve what they want. They couldn't find a split of sec. To stop and see what is happening around themselves. They couldn’t find any time to look at their dear ones properly. When it will happen repeatedly it would seem that now we don’t hold a value in their life. But sometimes it is not the truth. Dreams are important. To live your life with dignity and honour you must follow your dreams. And to achieve it you also have to do hard work. To give your time to your close one and make them feel  important is also very essential. Because they are those people who are constantly  with u.
PRISHA was setting in her balcony holding a mug of coffee. The weather is too romantic to describe. The sky was blue. There were white clouds who were playing with the sun. She took a sip from her coffee when her phone rang. It drag her back to reality. She took the phone and saw “HARDIK” there. She received the call. “hello Mr.pandya. lagta hai ki kisiko meri yaad aagayi.”She said playfully.
“Pri where r u?”
“I'm in Bngkok. I've told u.”
“but you were supposed to return two days ago?”
“Yes. But I somehow managed to convinced my boss and decided to stay a lil longer.” She said with a wide grin.
“You shouldn't have done this. You should have return in the due time.”
“why what has happend?”
“Ecche is in Hospital.”
Hardik told her everything over phone
“I'm coming today. Everything is my fault. I'm responsible for this.  Only I'm responsible for it.”

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