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“so ,ladies and gentlemen. Here is our special adorable....and ...and also too hot, the heartthrob of the nation Darshan RAVAL.” After announcing DARSHAN came to the stage. Everybody gave a big round of applause except one. Because her eyes were busy to see her dream man and her mind was busy to find out is she dreaming or not. PRISHA came to her and pinched her. “oops!” “ you're not dreaming. He is in front of your eyes .” PRISHA chuckled. Ecche hugged her at once. After the party they went to him. “yaar! He is more hot in real life than in the picture. How can be one so cute, so hot, so adorable,so dashing,so handsome in the same time.” Ecche muttered. “ OMG! He is soo handsome.” PRISHA told to herself.
“Hi.” PRISHA said.
“Hello” he replied.
“ we want to take pictures with you.” PRISHA told.
“sure.”  Ecche was busy to see him.she was unable to say anything.
PRISHA took her phone and it was already dead. “ VBS,give me your phone.”
“my phone is on charging. I’ve left it in my room.” She replied unconsciously. After her realization “ Oh my God! My phone is on charging and I left it in my room.” She almost shouted. “Darn it. Now what we will do?” PRISHA told. They were about to start a fight . They forgot that they were standing in front of Darshan. “Hello guys. Calm down. I've my phone also and it is with me and it is fully charged. So we can take pictures. Don't quarrel.”he smirked.  “ Do you have any Instagram account?” “ yes she has.”  “ Ok DM's me I'll give it to you.” They nodded. After this lil chit-chat they took some pictures. (Ecche's pov) “ I can't believe what had just happend! I've..I've met with him!  it is like dream do come true! Ahhh. Uss chodail ne agar mujhe baata diya hota to mein thoda bohot tayarii ke saath jati na! Thodai mein aise jati! And I..I can't talk with him also.I can take the gifts also! But she hasn't!Moreover I've left my phone in my room! Woooowwww!”
After reaching home Ecche DM's Darshan. But as usual he doesn't reply. “ khud hi kehtahe DM's me. Abb keya Hua Mr.raval? Reply nahi karoge? Ahhh... DND IS CONSTANT.” She kept muttering.

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