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“I'll come.” Pri told.
“I won't. I'm totally exhausted.” Ecche claimed.
“Ok. You take rest. We're going then.” Kritesh told. They left and Ecche closed the door.
“hey guys let's  go and have some hard drink.” Kritz offered.
“No, don't go.”
“why?” Darshan asked
“if she got to know  she'll definitely kill us!”
“chill Yaar! She might be sleeping now.”  Darshan told.
“No, I won't go and you guys are not going also.”
“Then why we've came here?”
“Nothing will be happen. She is already exhausted. And I'm sure she might be sleeping now. After drinking we'll go to our room. That's it.” Kritz explained.  They went to the bar.
“ Hey pri. Can you beat me?”Darshan asked
“not a big deal.” Pri smirked
“So let's the battle begin?”
“Ok. Let's start.” Pri told.  They started. After sometime Kritesh stopped.but they were not showing any sign to stop.
Kritz tried a lot but couldn't. He called Ecche because only she can stop them. Ecche's phone buzzed and she received the call. “Hello”, she told.
“Hello” he replied in a tension. “what has happened?” Ecche asked.
“a lot of things has happened. Listen I can't tell you over the phone.plz come fast to the club... near the resort.” “I'm coming.”
Ecche went there and found Kritesh  were seated in the bar.she went to him and asked what has happened. Kritesh told her everything .
“where are they?”Ecche questioned. Kritesh pointed at the dancing floor. Darshan and PRISHA were dancing like a mad one. They were dancing with one another.
“I don't want to dance with you!” Prisha said in a baby tone.  Saying so PRISHA exchanged her partner. Darshan was dumb. He made a pucker face and started dancing alone. Ecche and kritesh went to the dancing floor. They dragged them to the outside.
Kritesh were holding prisha's hand very tightly.
“I don’t want to go.” He jerked his hand.
“Mujhe aur bhi peena hai.” Darshan told.
“Just shut up!” Ecche shouted . She was as furious as a tigress . Both of them stopped.
“I'm taking them in room. You arrange some lemon water.” Ecche told to kritesh.
Ecche brought them in room. Kritesh came with the lemon water.
“Drink it.” Ecche told.
“Mujhe aur bhi naachna tha! Mujhe kiyo le aye?” PRISHA shot another question. After finishing her words Ecche slapped her hard. Darshan was about to say something but stopped while looking into her eyes.
“How dare You? Haven't I told you not to drink? When you cant handle why you drink?” Ecche shouted.
“From today.. no from now don’t talk to me.” She huffed and left. After this kritesh gave them lemon water and they drink it like obedient boys and girls .

08June, Morning
PRISHA woke up. Her head was spinning. She sat in her bad and all the incidents flashed in her mind. She ran to Darshan's room. They were sitting in the floor with a gloomy face. They can clearly remember what they have done.
Kritesh: “Yaar! She is very angry.”
PRISHA : “I've warned you na that she doesn't like this.” .
Darshan: “Haa yaar! We should've listen to you.”
Kritesh: “Ha Yaar! When she slapped you! I was afraid.. I was thinking that she will beat me black and blue.” Kritesh told and prisha touched her cheek with her palm.
Kritz: “ Accha now let's go and say sorry to her.”
Darshan: “ yeah we've to do that! But I think we should take a lot of Ice cream! After seeing that wo surely pighal jayegi.” He completed and everybody chuckled.
Prisha: “ Don't be so lame! It won't work!”
Darsh: “ Then what else we can do?”
Prisha: “ I've a plan!” she told her plan to them!
Darsh: “ are you sure na that it will work?”
“100 percent! Guaranteed!” she told with pride.
“ok let's see! We've no other way. ” Darshan told in confusion.
Prisha went to Ecche's room with a lot of guilt in her eyes! Ecche was sitting In the balcony with a lot of sadness which were laid In her expression. she followed her and hug her from behind.
“Leave me.” Ecche said annoyingly.
“Please forgive Me!”
“have you forgot what have you done?”
“sorry na!please forgive me! I promise I won't repeat it. Forgive me na please..”
“Leave me.”
“No. Say you've Forgiven me. Or I won't leave you.”
“ you're one of them for whom I'm angry and now you're also blackmailing Me? Now leave or I won’t forgive you!”
“What you've just said? It means you've forgiven Me?” She replied with a lot of zeal.
“You know I can’t be angry with you! And you're blackmailing Me. You know that very well.” PRISHA gave her a tight hug! “Now please let’s go to the beach.”
“Give me a minute!” Ecche took her purse and they left.

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