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Ecche entered in the cafe . She was finding him here and there. Finally she saw Darshan was wavering his hand . Darshan has wore a yellow hoodie and Ecche has were a yellow gowns. They gave a hug . Ecche sat in opposite of Darshan.
“so.”...he tried to start conversation  .
“ are you?” she asked
“ I'm also good. By the way why you're sitting here like a bhoot??”
“ What? Bhoot?Am I looking like a ghost to you?”
“ yes!” She told with a bright smile.
“ and...And you're looking like a chudail no no a dayaan!” He snapped.
“I'm a born chudail or dayaan what ever you think.” She chuckled. “ accha tell me say yaha pe kiyo bulaya?”
“ you know I feels that sometime “BLUE Family” ke members ke saath coffee pens chahiye.” Darshan said while sipping his coffee .Ecche started coughing.
“hmmm.both of you told me that Prisha is my fan.Biggest  fan! But I found you instead of her.”
“how?” Ecche questioned.
“ the craziness madness excitement are still in your eyes. I can see this.” He gestured towards her eyes.
“oh wow! Do you know what you should join CID.  Then you can find out who is culprits or not by seeing their eyes.” Ecche said while blushing.
“yes that’s true! Yaar mujhe ye pehle koyi kiyo nahi baataya? Then I could become a CID officer na.” He smirked.
“Accha tell me one thing. What's the meaning of your name?he added.
“wish!” She told.
“Oh wow! Nice name .”
“you love your blue fam, right?”
“yes. Do you know something. When I met with them every time I feel blessed. And I feel that I'm meeting with the angels.
Ecche were listening his words very carefully with all of her mind, concentration and soul.she was wondering “It might be our last meeting. For how many days you'll remember me Mr.Raval? You won't. Because you'll get busy in your own world and forget everything about this sudden meeting, chat , and ..This coffee.  May be you'll forget. But I won't. I can't. Years ago my parents named me as Ecche.and today all of my wish come true.”
Ecche took her phone . “ what are you doing?” Darshan asked.
“I'm booking a cab.”  “What a bad idea it is!I'll drop you.”
“No need of it  . I'll manage.”
“No I'll drop you. Come!” Darshan paid the bill and they left.

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