Chapter 1: Emerge

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Deep within the undercity of the hidden sand lies the cages of the captive and most dangerous there village has ever seen or raised. The criminals separated from the captured nin. The captured nin separated from the secret Anbu trainees and life time convicts. Separated from them all lies the one ninja they only have due to luck and unforseen circumstance. He is the Three Tailed Beasts host since birth, and his life has known mostly enslavement.

The young blue haired ninja lye on his cot, ankles chained to end leg and hands bound by chakra infused cuffs. He was filthy, barely covered with old and tattered linen. "Why is it so quite today...usually they have come with my water by now.." He thought to himself before he heard a large thud of the heavy steal door opening.

"On the side of your bed filth. The Kazekage wishes to speak to you and wants you dressed and bathed." The rough and aggressive tone in the regular guards voice caused the boy to flinch and quickly do as he was commanded. "Good. I didn't want waste the energy or chakra to make you do as I say." He walked over to the boy and uncuffed his ankles and reapplied his choker restraint and made him follow.

The inmates were even disgusted by the blue haired boy walking by, some of which were on death row for murder themselves. Freak, Monster, Dirtbag, he had grown accustomed to hearing these names called out as he walked to his destination.

After several minutes they reached the Kazekage's mansion and only then was his restraints all removed and his cover over his eyes removed. He winced at the light, having been underground for several weeks at that point. "W-What do you want sir? I don't..I don't see how I could possibly he-.." His heart stopped as he saw the Kazekage and his children in front of him, specifically Gaara. He started getting flashbacks to the multiple times Gaara used him as practice and left him barely alive to figure out better torture treatments.

"Well as it stands..its your lucky day. The Hidden Leaf is holding the Chunnin exams this year and we've been allowed to bring two teams of three. Obviously will be sending my children as one, but you welp. You get to be captain of the next one. But don't be stupid. You're going because we need to use that hidden gem of yours along with Gaaras for the attack we have carefully planned. If you go, and do your job as instructed, you're free and are officially a Ninja of the Hidden Sand. Isn't that amazing?" The Kazekage looked to the young ninja who simply nodded. "Oh and we actually had special permission granted. You're going to be a One man team. So good luck....don't die."

Unknown to the ninja Temari had snuck up behind him and reattached his neck collar and grinned. "Oh you're going to be mine until we get to the village as well. Come on, time to have fun." He went to protest but felt the harsh tug of the leash and his feet almost buckled beneath him as they traveled away.

An hour later they were in her private room at the second home of her father as she released him. "Sorry. Had to make it seem real there welp. But you're staying with me until we leave. Get washed and don't sit anywhere until after." She smirked and shook her head. The two had developed an unlikely friendship over the years, he had softened her slightly due to his situation and she kept him alive. "And Hankuro...rinse out the tub when you're done."

Hankuro nodded as he walked to the bathroom, turning on the water and standing while the cold water turned warm. The hair on his body stood on end as he felt the filth slowly wash away. "This..this feels so good..." He smiled for the first time in a long time, nearly crying as he felt somewhat normal. His head jolted to the door as he sensed a chakra approach and then heard the doorknob turn.

"Hankuro.." Temari announced as she opened the door slightly. "I'm coming in to leave your new outfit and clean towels." She didn't wait for his response before doing as she said and placed the clothing and towel on the toilet and stared at his shadow through the curtains. "You've kept up with treating those injuries right? With what I had the guards bring?"

"Yes ma'am. B-But you know like your brother, my tailed beast helps me heal faster then most."

"Damn it with the ma'am shit." She shook her head as she pulled the curtain back enough to put her head in. "Come here."

His eyes widened as she could see him nude. "O-Okay..." He did as he was told and moved closer to her only to feel her lips gently peck his cheek.

"Don't die on me. You're the least shitty person in this village and I want to spend actual time with you." She smirked and pulled the curtain back into place and walked out.

Hankuro stood in the shower, water washing over him as his cheeks grew red. "She..she kissed my cheek.." That was all he could think about as he finished showering and mentally started preparing for the journey he was going to embark on.

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