Chapter 2: Floating Leaves

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3 Weeks Later

Just outside The Hidden Leafs gates a group of five approached, four younger teens and one adult. The watchmen pulled out his binoculars and signaled for everyone else watching to remain calm as he noticed the Sand Villages insignia and classic garb.

"Good morning to you all. Arriving just in time for the Chunnin exams. We were to understand it would be two teams of three though."

Baki smirked as he took out a scroll and handed it to him. "Approved by all Kage. We have a team of three...and then a team of one. Special conditions on our one man squad were granted."

The guard untied the scroll and examined it quickly. "I see. I guess this year will truly be an interesting one indeed. You're hotel room is on the east side of the village where you all can stay while you participate in this year's Exams."

Baki and the rest nodded as they walked into the village. The Gaara family turned off to the left as Baki led Hankuro to the hotel. "You're to stay in your separate room until the exams start later today. Understood?" The blue haired ninja nodded as he walked into his room and heard the door lock behind him.

Several Hours later after the first exam:

All the passing teams stood outside the forest of death, gaining there scrolls. Hankuro walked up to the check in. "Ah. So you're the special one man team from the sand we heard of. You must be something surely special for them to feel this confident in your ability."

"Yeah. Something like that." He opened his hand as he felt the scroll be placed in it and quickly put it away in his pack. "Thank you. Have a good day." He looked around, the chakras feelings around him ranging from low to his own if not better. "This...will not be easy."

Anko gave her speech warning all contestants not to open there scrolls and that it was life and death from here on out as all the gates opened and the ninjas dispersed. Gaara's team seemed to casually walk inside the forest where Hankuro sprinted in and tried to get a feeling for his new environment quickly. The clashing of blades, explosions and screams echoing inside the forest almost as if from every angle.

"There's so much fighting right off the bat. This is nuts.." He thought to himself as he watched for a team he could try and take 1 on 3. ~Behind you!~ He heard that shrill voice of the being inside his head and turned as a young group of Grass Village approached him.

"So you're the upstart huh? What scroll you got kid? Don't wanna hurt ya if we don't need to." The taller and older of the three spoke between the other two. "We have the Heaven scroll. Is yours an earth?" Hankuro nodded as he took a defensive stance. "Good. So let's do this." He quickly started forming hand signs as the other two did as well.

Hankuro snarled as he reached behind his back and slowly drew out his sword. "Well come on!!" He yelled as he ran towards the other team.

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