Chapter 17: Revelations

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A few weeks had passed since the attack on the Leaf Village. Naruto was honored as the hero of the village, though Hankuro did not receive as much credit but more of a tongue lashing. He had fought when he was still recovering and caused his new healing process to be prolonged but other then that he did receive a rather heart felt thank you from the village as a whole.

Hankuro still layed in his bed, not being able to mentally go back inside the space Isobu was sealed yet his recovery was taking rather longer then expected. Sakura had made daily visits as his personal nurse but he didn't speak much while recovering, his burns on his throat weren't fully healed so talking cause some pain. "And how are we feeling today Hankuro? Any real feeling coming back in your arms or legs?" He shakingly raised his left arm as the blanket rolled down, it had finally healed and didn't have burns anymore as he raised his thumb. "Excellent. Seems Isobu is finally able to let her chakra out more and heal you. I need to check the rest though. I understand it probably feels awkward me seeing you without clothes but it is purely medical and plus side your waistline and groan region did heal quick so you aren't fully nude." He nodded as he lay still for her check up, whimpering slightly when she touched some burned areas. "I'm sorry I wish I could make this painless for you. But good news your legs are almost fully healed. Your right arms being stubborn but you'll get there." She gave him a smile and finished her notes as she left.

"Well...that is great news. It did feel easier to move my toes today." He thought to himself as he slowly recognize the chakra signature closing in on his room and began to grow nervous. "Please...not her. Not here...i thought she returned home a week ago."

A rather large vase of different desert flowers made its way inside his door, carried by Temari behind them. "Hey Blue. Long time no see." She placed the vase next to his bed and sat down in the chair beside him. "I brought your favorite from back home. I figured something from home would make you feel better." He went to talk, tears already forming in his eyes as he felt her finger gently press against his lips. "Shh. Please let me talk. I know it hurts you to talk right now. So let me do the talking first. Yes. I wasn't fully in control when we dated unfortunately. I had moments where I was. Our first time together was me so don't think that monster stole that from us. Did I originally protest us dating, yes cause you were like a brother to me. Am I upset? Oh hell yes but not at you. They got him fully out of me now and it'll never happen again. But you and I...sadly that can't happen again because my heart does belong to another." She gently moved her finger from his lips and gently placed her hand on his cheek and cupped it. "I'm so sorry you can't seem to escape him. But now he doesn't have any control over those you care about Blue."

His eyes locked with hers as tears seemed to well up and just fall silently. He kept going to speak but a very dry like sound escaped his lips before he finally could get out his thoughts. "T-Temari...I-Im sorry I took..what wasn't mine to take. I-I thought that was a-always you...I fell for you...b-but I understand you didn't want this to happen I apologize for taking everything you wanted to give...t-to Shikamaru.."

Temari's eyes widened as he said who she did truly love. "You know? But how...the snake?" Hankuro simply nodded as he tried to look away but felt her push his face back to keep looking at her. "Listen to me. You are forgiven. Its not like you took advantage of me. Or you know forced yourself. You didnt know it wasn't me." She leaned down and gently kissed his lips. "There. A real kiss from me and only me. I need to go home but the second you're released Gaara and I will be back to get you. Mr. Hero." She chuckled lightly as she turned around and stopped at the door. "You're a good man Hankuro. And you'll find the person to love you. Heads up though. Uzamaki is on his way here, other Mr. Hero himself."

Naruto heard her say the last part as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head walking inside the room. "Haha thanks Temari. It's good to see you too." His expression grew more serious as he walked over to Hankuro and slowly turned to the vase. "Desert Roses? That was nice of her to bring to you. I'm sorry I haven't seen you since the attack. The village has been keeping me busy and all and wouldn't really mention you. I heard you were having trouble healing. You doing better now?" Hankuro nodded and swallowed the lump building in his throat. "So elephant in the room. I know what happened in your mind. The whole um kissing Hinata thing. I was upset at first but she really helped me understand it was an intense moment and well you two were reliving some strong memories to prove she was real. But be honest with me Blue. You still love her don't you?" With a tear in his eye the other nodded. "Well...she loves you too. But she also loves me. And are my friend and I don't wanna take.." He was stopped in his train of thought as Hankuro moved his right arm, ignoring the pain and gripped onto Naruto's jacket. "Hankuro?!"

"D-Don't you fucking dare think are hers...and she is yours. I..I will be okay as you keep her happy...and safe." His face was covered in tears from both the pain and his emotions flowing over. " you understand me!? She is yours her and make her happy.." His monitors were going very loudly as Naruto slowly placed his hand on Hankuros and slowly pushed it off his jacket and held it.

"I promise you. She will be safe with me. And if she decides she wants to be with you I will not fight that. You have my word as your friend that this won't come between us and that she is also in good hands." The other slowly nodded as he tapped Naruto's hand and then placed his back on the bed. "You need to get some rest now. Sleep tight Hankuro. And thank you...i haven't been able to properly thank you til now for helping protect the village. So thank you...we wouldn't all be here if you didnt stand up when they tried to destroy everything." He stood up to leave and gave a thumbs up as he left.

*Well...that was awkward.*A very sweet and soft voice echoed inside his mind. "Isobu?" *You know it sweetheart. Don't worry. I'm gonna have you healed up and ready to go by tomorrow. And you'll have access to my room too shortly. Had to make it Orochimaru proof in case he can come back. But i am sorry about Temari..i know how much she meant to you.* He sat silently for awhile in his room before finally answering her. "She was never mine to begin with..but thank you. I'm glad you're safe and sound though. You'll be free soon." Isobu gave a nervous chuckle as she then giggled. *Rest up little blue. You're going to need it.*

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