Chapter 7: Darkness and Agreement

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Hankuro slowly came to as he felt water around him and saw only darkness. "W-Where am I? Why am I wet...why.." He gasped as he clenched his chest where Sasuke had struck. "G-Gaw the match..."

"You're in my world now...little runt." The deep and sickening voice he knew so well spoke.

His eyes snapped wider if they could as he sat up. There was a large cell holding back the three-tailed beast in front of him. "How the hell am I seeing you right now!?"

"Oh boy. You're inside my world. You're dying. Hmm." A cloud of smoke appeared and a nude woman stepped forward and gripped the bars, like himself she had long blue hair and it covered one side of her face. "This is better for you? A more human form to make you comfortable?"

Hankuros eyes widened as a stream of blood trickled down from his nose. "Y-You're a woman!?!?"

"Ha. Why yes. Most of us actually are. Only the eight and nine are actually male. So. You're dying you know. You're dying and I'm coming out quickly. And you need to make a choice." She licked her lips and grinned. "Become one with me...let me run a much for awhile. Or die, here and now. Then ill fully be out and yours and the Leaf ninja won't be able to stop me."

"So you're really only saying I have one choice. Rip your seal and save them...or die and let you have no containment." He gulped as he began to shake. "I...So many people have died before. You need..need to promise you will run away from the village and not harm anyone."

The woman licked the bar and grinned. "Mmm is that all it was going to take. Sure. Ill be a good girl and get away from the village. But my seal, isn't on the cage. You must come closer and ill show you where it is."

He nodded and hesitantly moved closer as he felt her grab his shirt and pulled him against the bar. "God Damn it!!! I knew I couldn't fucking tru-" His eyes widened as he felt a very passionate and deep kiss happen between the two. Both of there memories being linked to one another as tears streamed both there cheeks.

"You're not alone anymore kid...I'm sorry you went through that cause of me. But..but we're going to get you free soon." The three-tails said as she broke the kiss and cage broke down. "My your power now. If you need me I am here." The room began to become a blinding white light as it all disappeared and Hankuro felt Hinata's lips on his as a medical ninja was healing his multiple injury as the other performed cpr.

"HANKURO!!!! OH MY GODS YOU'RE BACK! WE THOUGHT WE LOST YOU!" Hinata gripped him tightly as tears ran down her face. They were surrounded by forest and lots of it.

Hankuro shook his head, a deep blush as he weakly wrapped his arm around her. "T-Thank you...Hinata-Chan. Where...where are we? What happened to the match..and Sasuke? And who's the person who healed me?"

"Oh. He's from my clan. He's my personal gaurd for today."

"But..we're so far away from the village. How did we get here?"

The medical ninja knelt down beside the two. "You transformed fully. And your village began there attack. Im sorry Mr. Kizamaye but when we bring you back you'll be taken into questioning. We're just thankful that with our eruption nobody was harmed. The same cannot be said for the joint efforts of The Sand and Sound villages assault."

His heart felt like it was going to burst from his chest as he gulped. "I...I'm sorry I...I was trying to keep her controlled for..for so long." He felt Hinata grip him tighter and cry into his chest, and he gently just rubbed her head. "H..Hinata...I'm sure..I'm sure I'll be okay in the village." He looked to the other and acknowledged he was in for hell.

The trio made there way back to the village, Hankuro now having his hands bound and eyes covered. The destruction in the village was bad but the news of the Hokage dying was causing the most pain. He felt it, deep down he knew this was all his fault and they started the backup plan when he lost control. His stay was now like that in the Sand Village...a prisoner.

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