Chapter 13: Whole Again

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"You know...we really should stop meeting like this. It cannot be good for your health." A woman's voice echoed inside the room as she softly chuckled. "Though I think you just like seeing me don't little Hankuro-kun."

Hankuro sat up slowly and rubbed the back of his head. "Ha. Well Isobu you know me so well by now don't you?" He smiled as he walked over to her cage and placed his hand in and wrapped it around the back of her head and kissed her as he felt the cage breakdown but tears flow down his cheeks as they slow entwined into a hug. "I'm..I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you.."

Tears had started flowing down her own cheeks as she held the other close and gently rubbed his head and back. "Shh. You didn't have a choice young one. I'm truly sorry not being there for you as well. Everything that snake did to you...he will pay one day." She pushed him gently back and cupped his chin. " and Shukakus brats Older sister huh? I told you she had a thing for you. A girl just knows. I'm sorry about the Hyuga girl though. She was very sweet."

He nodded as kept his head down. "Yeah...can't really blame someone for moving on when it had been three years. It probably happened when they comforted each other when he got back from his training. Temari is amazing though. She's...she's really been a light throughout this. I'm sorry I could get all of you inside me. I...I'm not as strong at seals as my pa-" His eyes widened as he felt her pressed him against her chest. "I-Isobu?"

"Your mother and father had nothing to do with my sealing. Those were false memories it would appear. You were like Gaara and had me implanted upon birth. Taken from your birthparents when you came out. They died Hankuro...and they weren't anyone special. I'm sorry to be so cruel with this information but you needed to know that you are who you are because of your hard work. Not some passed down strength." She gently kept rubbing his back and then chuckled. "You know you're out cold in the real world right? In a hospital bed."

"I kind of figured. I had sent out the message like Temari and I had spoke about. Probably back in the sand right?"

"Nope. You're in the Leaf. It was closer and well to be blunt much better medical treatment. Oh boy you've seem to have been out cold for over a week now. Think its time for you to wake up. You have me again, and I can't wait to watch you grow Young Sand Ninja." She smiled as the room slowly went black and then a dim light was lit as he opened his eyes.

"A-Anh. H-hello?" He looked around and saw an empty room, but this was a much nicer hospital room then he was use to. "H-Hello!?" He then felt multiple chakras approach and then smile seeing Gaara and Temari first.

"Good to see you survived. Hankuro there are many questions we have for you. But it is late. over him please? I'll inform the appropriate people he's awake." Gaaras tone didn't seem angry but then again he didn't have much emotion shown through his voice yet.

Temari nodded and as soon as the door was closed she rushed over to him and slapped him across the face. "THATS FOR SCARING ALL OF US AND ALMOST DYING!!" She then wrapped her arms around him and softly gripped onto his clothes. "A..And that's for coming back to me you big jerk."

Hankuro rubbed his cheek and then softly ran his hand through her hair and down her back. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't think it all out well enough it would seem. But..mission accomplished."

Temari nodded and gently lift up his shirt and kissed his seal mark on his ribs. "Welcome home..Isobu." She smiled gently and moved to him and kissed him deeply as he gently pulled her on top of him and held her close. "I love you Blue...don't ever scare me like that again. Promise?"

"I promise I'll try my best to never almost die like that again.."

The next morning:

Doctors and Secret Ops ninja were in and out of his room throughout most of the day. Checking his story multiple times to make sure there was no lie. Temari had to leave as the two Kages walked in and both looked rather upset.

"I take it this isn't a normal check up to let me leave is it Madam Hokage?"

"Oh you think? Do you realize you almost started a war between The Mist and Sand?" She clenched her hand rather tightly on her forearm as she stared him down. "No. Of course not. Because you're just a dumb child who wanted his Tailed Beast back. I swear you are so fu-"


"Pardon?" Tsunade raised her eyebrow as Gaara walked over to the opposite side of Hankuro.

"Isobu...her name isn't Tailed Beast or Three-Tails. Its Isobu.."

"Hankuro you should have more respect to a Kage and not interrupt them over something so..trivial."

"Its not trivial to her and its not trivial to me. She has a name..and is a living being and deserves to be called by that name."

Tsunade smirked and shook her head. "Good. I wanted to make sure this wasn't a power grab. You care about Isobu. And she cares about you. But Hankuro this was seriously not a smart idea. We were going to suggest you become her Jinchuruki again anyhow you know?"

"I couldn't take the risk. And its a good thing I did because we almost lost her for good since the Akatsuki was there."

Tsunade and Gaara both nodded and smirked. "Get some rest kid. You'll be going somewhere special soon for training." As she finished speaking both Kage left but a very nervous chakra entered.

"H-hello H-Hankuro-kun. Is it okay if we had a chance to speak?" Hinata stood at the entrance visibly nervous as her knees touched and she was biting her bottom lip.

*God...she grew up so much..she's more beautiful then I remember* He couldn't help but to think to himself as he nodded and she stepped inside. "O-Of course...princess Hinata."

"W-why are you calling me that Hankuro-kun? You know you can just say Hinata around me. I..I'm very happy to hear you are healthy and well. When...when you disappeared all those years ago I was so scared and s-so sad to have lost you."

"H-Hinata its okay was 3 years. I understand feelings change and well you know its no-"

"My feelings never changed!!" Her face was covered in tears as she looked to him and held his hand in hers. "They said you were dead! They told me over and over you were dead and it was time to move on for a year! were my first boyfriend. I watched you almost die at the Chunnins. And then watched as Orochimarus men kidnapped you and I couldn't do anything to stop them!!! Hankuro...I might have fallen for Naruto-kun...but you still hold a spot in my heart..."

Hankuro closed his eyes and sighed as he nodded, sensing Temari's chakra at the door as she listened in. "I'm sorry. I...I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. Especially you Hinata. That month I spent at the Hyuga compound was...was one of the most fun parts of my childhood and ill hold onto those memories for the rest of my life. I don't regret us having started dating...I only regret I wasn't stronger and having been kidnapped. I don't know at what point my memories of that day are real or fabricated...but I do remember tuning my hearing to listen for your cheers. made me smile. And Hinata-Chan...I'm okay now. I'm always here for you...and I'm glad Naruto was there for you and is the love of your life now. He's a good man...and you're the perfect woman for him."

Hinata nodded as she hugged him and pecked his cheek. "T-Thank you Hankuro...those memories are special to me too. And I wouldn't trade them for anything else."

Temari smiles as she walked down the hall. "So...they finally got closure with one another. Good. Now he and I can fully be together..." She chuckled as she licked her lips and her tongue extended rather largely. "Mmm my sweet Hankuro-kun. You thought you'd escape me so easily...heh. You even brought my toy too. Excellent."

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