Chapter 4: Pairings and Dispair

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3 Days Later:

Hankuro lay in the hospital, finally fully healed up and hours away from being released. Temari was the only one of the four who had come to see him. She informed him they were heading back to the village for the time being until the Chunnin exams started again next month, and the unfortunate pairings: Sasuke vs Gaara, Naruto vs Neji, Shikamaru vs Herself, Shino vs Kankuro, and Rock Lee vs himself. He was very nervous at this point since he missed Lee's match and was now alone in the Leaf Village.

"What...what the hell am I going to do. They left me behind, in enemy territory. I have no information on my opponent, like nobody here to spend my time with. That..Uzamaki kid has left for training with his master. I just...I don't.." He sighed as he heard the door open. The doctors came in, surprisingly kind to him as they wrote him up and cleared him to leave. As the doctors left, he could sense another Chakra at the door and smiled. It was Hinata Hyuga, the one other leaf competitor that accompained him to the hospital.

"H-Hello Hankuro. I...I've been instructed to bring you to my clans section of the village for your stay. are our honored guest and will be staying with my family." She looked down at the ground, knees crossed and touching one another. "W-When you're ready I'll be right outside your room." She quickly moved to leave, a hint of a blush across her cheeks as she left.

"Thank you Hinata." He blushed and placed his legs over the bed and looked to his tattered clothes he came in with. "Gonna have to replace those while I'm here.." He sighed as he put them back on though, his upper torso fully exposed because of the Forest, the scars across his chest fully visible. He walked over to the door and smiled. "I'm ready Hinata." She turned to him, seeing his clothes and blushed.

"We will have clothes for you to wear while here. H-Hankuro.." She blushed deeper as she started leading him out of the hospital.

20 minutes later:

They reached the Hyuga compound and a lot of the clan was staring at them both, mostly at the clothes he was wearing. Whispers and murmurs went by as the two walked to the head houses home and Hankuro kept moving closer to Hinata and gently placed his hand on her hoodie, which earned a very flushed face from Hinata.

Her father stood at the front door. "Kizamaye Hankuro. You'll be our guest. But I must insist you refrain from standing out so much with your...attire. Also my daughter, please remove your hand from her."

Hankuros eyes widened as he quickly pulled his hand back. "I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't realize I did that!" His face was extremely flushed as he looked to her father and locked eyes.

"Forgiven. Hinata, your training starts in thirty minutes. Meet your sister in the training room and change." She nodded, crossing her arms and walking away quietly. "Good girl. But she has a lot more to learn. As for you Mr. Kizamaye. We are unsure what we can offer more then lodging but your things have been brought here and you're welcome to watch our training or stroll the village. Your room is upstairs and in the far back. Please at night refrain from walking the grounds, we need our sleep."

He nodded and walked off to his room and quickly grabbed his clean and intact Sand garb and put it on and lay down on the bed. "These leaf beds are so nice compared to the Sand.." He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep rather easily.

Several hours later:

Hankuro jolted awake, gripping his chest and panting. His bed covered in his sweat, and a very nervous Hinata standing at his door.

"H-Hello Hankuro-kun. were screaming in your sleep so father sent me to help. Are..are you okay?" She moved closer slowly and stood at the foot of his bed.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay. Just..just nightmares is all." He pulled the sheets back and rested his legs over the bed. "I..I really didn't have the best living situation growing up. To be honest, this is the longest I've been free since I was a toddler."

"Free?" Hinata cocked her head and slowly sat next to him on the bed.

"I'm treated like a weapon. That chakra cloak and then tail..its not a jutsu. Its me. I'm what's known as a Jinchuruki. A host...for one of the Nine-Tailed Beasts. The Three Tails to be specific." His heart seemed to pound harder with talking about this and feeling her near him. "I've..I haven't really talked about this with anyone who hasn't used me for there own means...its nice."

Hinata nodded and turned to face him. " the Sand uses you when they want? They don't really treat you like a ninja of there own like the three others?"

"The others are the Kazekage's children, minus there Jonnin. I was sent here to prove my worth and be treated like a real ninja from here out. But..I don't think they will really let me be one." His pinky gently touched and entwined with Hinatas as they both blushed. "I wasn't born in the Sand. I think I was born in the Mist. But..but the Leaf feels like home." He slowly turned to Hinata and visibly gulped.

Hinata's eyes locked with his own as her cheeks flushed deeply. "I..I bet if you win or do could request to be brought here for could..H-Hankuro.."

"M-Maybe.." He leaned closer and bit his lowerlip. "I..." He chuckled lightly and then gently placed his lips on hers and pulled her into his chest.

Hinata's eyes widened as she felt another's lips against hers for the first time. "I...I..." She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him, gently kissing him back as they lay on the bed together.

3 Weeks Later:

Hankuro stood across the stadium looking at Lee. He was beyond nervous at this point. Sasuke had advanced shocking everyone and toppling Gaara, Naruto had the underdog win against Neji, Temari beat Shikamaru by a last minute forfeit, Shino's insects devoured and destroyed Kankuro's chakra strings and forced him to forfeit. He knew the winner of this match had a bye into semi- finals.

Lee gave Hankuro a thumbs up. "You will be a wonderful opponent. I am the last of my Squad and you the Lone Squad of his own. I do not wish you ill will but I will not lose here."

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