Chapter 11: Starting A New

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One week later:

Hankuro is sitting in his hospital bed, getting close to release and a long journey home. They had finally made him able to channel chakra and being able to walk. He sighed softly as he stared at the ceiling. "Gods...I wish I could just leave already." A soft chuckle sounded from his side as Temari watched him.

"Blue. Patience. You're just lucky I was able to take time off and stay with you til you were ready. Gaara usually has me so busy making sure the new recruits are ready for there Chunnin exams and all.'ve been gone so long." She sighed, eyes closed as she walked over and gently rubbed Hankuros head, softly running her fingers through it. "You heart broke when we couldn't find you right away. was like a piece of me was missing."

Hankuro blushed deeply as he looked up to her. "T-Temari what are you talking about? I'm..I've never been that special other then.." He coughed lightly as a lump grew in his throat and a tear trickled down his cheek. "She's gone...they're both gone. Tem...I lost her and Hinata..."

"Her?" She raised a brow. The time he was gone Hinata had confided in her about the short relationship that developed between her and him, but then it hit her. "Your tailed beast. It...I mean that was a female tailed beast?" He simply nodded as more tears continued to fall. Temari bit her lowerlip as she grabbed a tissue and cleaned his cheeks. " idiot. Can't you see I've cared about you too? Look at me."

Hankuro raised his head as he felt her hand moved to and cup his cheek. "Temari I...I always just thought you took pity on me. I was know a weapon and we-" He was caught off as he felt her lips touch his own and she had tears of her own rolling down onto his.

"I've waited...8 finally do that Hankuro. I care about you...I love you. I've loved you for a long time now and I'm glad you can finally feel and see that." She chuckled lightly and kept gently rubbing his cheek. "We have a lot to go through..and will take this slow. Both our relationship and your training on your new limits. And if he can...will get the Three Tails back in your life. I swear my dear Blue."

A few months later:

Hankuro stood panting and sweating in the Sand Villages training ground. Gaara stood floating above him, still with his full control of sand. Temari stood underneath with her fan drawn, smirking as the second stage circle was active. Kankuro stood beside her, his Sasori puppet out and active.

" have more in you then you're showing. You had a tailed beast inside you, the residual affects of that still remain in you. Tap into that. Beat us." Gaara spoke solemnly as he held out his arm and sand started moving towards the other.

Hankuro kept panting as he held out his hand. "Come on...COME ON!!! HARUDIGAN!!!" He formed a circulating ball of wind in his hand but no water was forming with it. "COME ON!!!" He grunted as the ball exploded and sent him backwards and slamming him into the ground.

Temari shook her head as she closed her fan and placed it on her back. "He's at his limit you two. That's enough for today." She started walking towards him when she felt a slight sting touch her cheek from his direction. "What the hell?"

"Fine...if water won't form without her...I guess I'm just the other two elements now.." He slowly stood and small surges of electricity shot from his body and clung in the air.

Kankuro took a step back and unsummoned his puppet. "This seems like a Gaara and Hankuro fight now there Temari. Get back!" Temari nodded and jumped back next to him as Gaara came down and smiled.

"Alright. Lets begin then..." He extended his hand and twisted it. "Sand...Restraints!" He launched a quick pillar of sand towards Hankuro as he watched the ninja extended his own hand and pierce through the Sand. "Uchihas work...I wondered if he picked something up all those years."

Hankuro panted as his left side of his face was covered in the first stage curse mark. "I'm...done today...I don't want...that monster winning and this...curse taking full control guys.."

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