Chapter 6: Semi's to Finals

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The preliminary matches before the semi-finals came and went. Sasuke defeated Naruto where nobody was surprised, Shino however upset Temari from seemingly nowhere. Sasuke had the rest in the semi-finals where Hankuro and Shino were now making there way out to the stage.

Sarutobi turned to the Kazekage and took a long breath from his pipe. "Your last ninja is up against the Leaf again it seems. I'm sorry your children didn't make it this far. But your special acception did. You are proud aren't you?"

"Oh but of course. He is like Gaara and your Uzamaki child there. Your Aberami clan member will not stand a chance against him. Though he also knows what awaits him if he shall lose."

Shino stood soundly as he watched Hankuro form hand signs. "I see. A more aggressive approach then with Lee. Do you see me more as a threat? Or do you simply just want this over faster?" He extended his arms as his bugs started flying out of his sleeves but was swiftly met with two large water Dragons smashing into him and flinging him into the wall. The proctor stood over the boy and called the match. He was about to call for the finals and Sasuke but Hankuro stood in the center and pointed to him.

"Uchiha! Sasuke! Lets get this over with and move on with our lives!" His tone was very serious and rather dark. He stood waiting until he noticed the shifting leaves and there stood Sasuke, calm and collected as he turned to face him. His sharingan active and waiting.

"So. You're my final obstacle. My final test. This shouldn't take long though..loser." Sasuke then sprinted at Hankuro and was much like Lee's speed. He encircled him quickly before landing a stiff upward kick. "And a little more.." He began to land consecutive kicks launching the other ninja further into the air, spit launching from his mouth with each kick. Sasuke disappeared and then reappeared above him and landed the final kick. "Lions Barrage!"

Hankuro couldn't catch his bearings in time as he felt every hit and then the sudden collision with the ground. He caused a small crater to form where he had hit. *You're letting another Leaf brat beat you down. Come on kid. Get up...get up...GET UP!* His eyes instantly reopened as his chakra cloak quickly formed and he stood. "SASUKE!!!!" It wasn't blue this time but blood red as three tails formed.

Temari was gripping the railing tightly as she watched. "You idiot...I know Sasuke is strong but don't resort to that. You weren't given the signal." As she shook Gaara walked up behind gripping his shoulder. " have no idea how much that Uchiha brat will put him through. From the look though..this will be a good fight."

Sasukes eyes widened a bit as he did a few backflips to prepare himself. "Another one huh? That doesn't matter. Ill still win this." He formed a few hand signs and then electricity started forming in his left hand. "One Thousand Birds....Chidori!!" He pulled down his shirt collar around his neck as he electricity started sparking everywhere before he charged at Hankuro.

Hankuro grinned as he stood up straight and absorbed the chakra veil, his visible wounds healing. "This jutsu..I have to try and avoid it." He held out his hand as a ball of water formed in it, surrounded by small air currents. "Harudagan!!!" Hankuro then charged Sasuke as the both collided in the middle.

An explosion occurred at the impact point, the audience dropped into a dead silence as they awaited for the smoke to clear. Two shadows started to show, as the dust cleared more and more it was clear of the result, Sasuke had avoided him as much as possible and now stood with his hand through the others chest. There was no cheers for this, horrified gasps and heaving could be heard. "HANKURO!!!!" Hinata's voice echoed throughout the stadium as her eyes widened at the sight.

Sasuke's expression wasn't of joy but horror. "I...I didn't mean to.." He pulled his hand out slowly as the other dropped to his knees and seemed dead and limp. Sasuke slowly looked at his blood soaked hand and then clenched it. " going to call the match or not ref?"

The proctor started approaching to check on his vitals. He placed his hand down on his throat. "No pulse." He stood back up and raised his hand. "And the winner is Sas-.."

Hankuros body started convulsing as he seemed to launch up, standing straight and the chakra cloak reappeared. He slowly opened his mouth but a well of water flowed out followed by a gurgle roar as he began to transform. "I'LL KILL YOU UCHIHA!!! ILL KILL YOU ALL!!!" His body morphed and slowly started to form into the Three-Tails full form.

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