Chapter 15: Jinchurukis vs. Pains

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Hankuro looked up to Naruto and slowly smiled. "Heh..sorry about not being the protector the village truly needed. I'm...I'm not as strong as you are Naruto-kun."

"Hey. You shut up about that now. You're strong. You're super strong Hankuro. You're the only one with the guts to step up after..he...he did this to the village didn't he?"

Hankuro nodded as he slowly stood back up. "Yeah...he's got some serious power. I...I don't want to get in the way though. If you want me to step back I will...I don't wanna fuck-"

"You're helping me finish this. For the village. For Pervy Sage. Its our duty now. We are the only two left who can stand a chance against him." Naruto gave a soft smile as he placed his fist up. "Show me what you two know so ill be better prepared."

Hankuro nodded as he pressed his clenched fist to Narutos and they both did there memory sharing. 'I see. And you've obtained Sage mode. You really are something else Naruto. I do hope I can help you and not be a burden.' He thought inside his head as the other kept reading his memories.

'Heh I think we're just lucky we figured this trick out cause we share a bond. You won't be a burden I don't think. Just recover some of your natural chakra. I'm glad you got Isobu back. Oh. Hey you know your curse mark is giving of natural chakra signatures? That's cool. Alright. I'm glad you were here. You took out a problem Pain. Let me get started.' Naruto thought to the other and slowly smirked as he stepped down and began fighting the other paths.

Gamabunta stood with the other ninja on his head. "Hey brat. I'm not a resting spot so if you're not fightin' ya need to get off of me." He then took a large drag off his pipe and slowly exhaled.

Hankuro quickly nodded and got off of the large toad as he and the others began fighting and keeping the summoned creatures off of Narutos back. "D-damn...he really is on a different level now." He shook his head and laughed lightly. ' Hankuro...focus. I'm gathering Chakra and you'll be in fighting shape soon to help. Go ahead and you can used tailed beast chakra cloak mode. Stick too two tails though. I don't think we can handle a full transformation.' He nodded as he focused himself. "Got it."

Naruto had dispatch the other paths rather tactically as it came down to him and the Deva Path. "You're going down Pain!" He went to hit him with a Rasen Shuriken but saw as he used his technique go cause it to disperse and soon felt a heavy gravity force him to the ground.

"Why do you fight me Uzamaki Naruto? Do you have a plan if you do defeat me?" He kept explaining his higher understanding of the world as he started placing chakra rods inside Naruto, starting with one through both his hands. "You see...I am simply a God and you cannot measure up to my-" He turned away for a moment and held up his hand stopping Hankuro mid air in his tailed cloak form and slamming him into the ground as well. "I have a tailed beasts chakra inside you as well. Someone will get punished for there neglect." He pulled out another chakra rod and slammed it through Hankuro's hands as well, earning a painful scream out of his mouth. "You two Jinchuruki will both no Pa-" He was then going defensive as Hinata jumped into the battle and tried to defend the two.

"You will not hurt the people i love anymore! They both have experienced more pain then you could ever understand you monster!" Hinatas shy voice was gone as she stood proudly trying to protect these two.

"H-Hinata...Hinata!!!! Get the hell out of here! Will be fine. He's too much. Please we're going to get out of this!" Hankuros voice cracked from pain, Naruto almost repeating the same words to her before she was knocked back from Pains Shinra Tensai.

"Ants. Love is such a stupid thing to die for. But...if she must die. Then she must." Hinatas mouth was dripping blood as she lay face down on the ground where she had landed. "For a future without war. I put you out of your misery young lady." He drew another chakra blade out and stabbed it into her chest.

Hankuro and Naruto both felt there hearts almost slow to a death beat and then exploded in chakra. Naruto stood in his partial fox transform state, 6 tails and a partial skeletal structure shown. Hankuro stood similar, but with all three tails and the skull of Isobu forming slowly as the rush blasted Pain away and the two stood proactively over Hinata's body.

"Hankuro you need to wake up and snap out of it!" The human form of Isobu screamed inside his mind as the 'water' turned red and was almost up to hers and his neck. "We won't be able to control this rage! Hankuro! Hankuro!!!!"

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