Chapter 8: Happy Birthday Hankuro

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Several Months Later:

Hankuro sat in his jail cell alone. They kept him clean unlike back home, and they didn't torture him or cause him discomfort. He received visits almost daily from both Naruto and Hinata which brought him joy, but sadness as well having been there so long now he began to doubt if he was ever going to be allowed to leave. His heart was beginning to grow cold toward his home.

"Kizamaye Hankuro. Your daily visitor is here. You have one hour per usual for each." A voice spoke into an intercom directly next to his bed. "Dressed and ready in ten minutes and will be down to retrieve you."

Hankuro scoffed softly under his breath. "Per visitor? Is Naruto back already? I thought he was leaving with Jiriaya-sensai for a few years?" He shook his head as he put on the grey jail uniform and waited to be brought up. The guards arrived as told within ten minutes and escorted him up, though this time the sight wasn't what was expected. "L-Lady Tsunade? W-why are you here personally?"

The large bossomed blonde sat across from him, going over his paperwork and chuckled. "I see they didn't tell you I was coming. Well you've been here now...eight months was it? Have you wondered why your village hasn't come to claim you yet?"

Hankuro was forcefully sat down from across her and grunted. "I...I failed them and am at my enemy's disposal. the Leaf see's fit to do with me. A-A captured Sand a dead Sand nin in my home nation m-madam Hokage."

"I see you were at least taught proper manners. Minus you won't look me in my eyes. Blue was it? Is that nickname that Temari, Naruto and our smitten princess of the Hyuga clan have come to call you?" She watched carefully as he nodded and kept his head down. "You can't look me in my eyes young Jinchuruki?"

"P-pardon my rudeness. But..but if I try to I...I won't be able to look at anything but um...your bust ma'am. The...the woman back home are more concealing of there attire and aren't as...large as the Leafs kunoichi." He swallowed a rather large lump in his throat as he looked up finally at her eyes, his light green pupils locking with her own as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I...I assume you've come to give final meeting before killing me? I've..I've given all the information you've asked for on Orochimaru and his failed plans...and I truly don't know more of the Sand."

Tsunade was taken back as she saw his eyes. "They...really are the same aren't they." She stood and the Anbu became visible in the room though she put up her hand and they stood down. "He's not going to harm me. He's proven his not a danger." As she stood next to him she cupped his cheek and wiped his tears away. "Do you know what day today is young man?" He simply shook his and felt the odd warmth from her touch. "Its your birthday Hankuro. October're 15 years old today. Have they treated you so poorly in the Sand that you've forgotten your own birthday?"

Hankuros lip quivered as he tried to hang his head down but kept feeling Tsunade hold it up in place. "I've..I've never celebrated it Lady Hokage...I...I never had someone make it special.." His tears started to water up more as they hit the floor. "A...A shinobis life is so short...why celebrate something like life? When you're just going to die before making meaning of it?"

Tsunades heart wretched at his words. "You've...never felt your mothers love before I read. You were abandoned as an infant in the sand...and they never let you discover who she was. But..but we did young man. Miss Hinata convinced us of your true nature." She knelt down to his level and moved his hair from his face. "You have her eyes and her hair length. Oh my boy you've no idea whom she is but we do. You're not a Kizamaye really...that was your father's last name. You're a're the Mizukages long lost son."

Hankuros eyes widened quickly as he looked into hers. "T-The Mizukage? From...from the Hidden Mist village? And...and Hinata helped me?"

Tsunade smiled and nodded. "Yes. Very much so on both accounts. Miss Mei is on her way to finally meet you. And little miss Hinata is waiting to see you as well. This is your release day Hankuro. You're free to stay in the Leaf, or in the Hidden Mist when you meet your mother." She smiled standing up. "Oh. And one more thing. The Sand and Leaf are allies now. We've made a truce and in doing so they explained the whole situation as we did to them on your imprisoning. They would also like you to come home...Temari wants to see did she put it. Ah yes. 'That innocent blue haired dipshit'. They're both waiting for you."

Hankuro wiped his tears away as he felt the guard remove his shackles and smile. "No time limits now kid. One of them will be in shortly and you take as much time as you want. Your things will be ready and you're going to be staying in the village tonight." The guard placed the shackles over his shoulder and left. "I'm...I'm free?" Hankuro softly spoke to himself and then heard the door for the visitors click open as Temari stepped through. "T-Temar-" His eyes widened as he felt her tackle him to the ground and bury her head into his chest and start to cry.

"You fucking idiot!!" She yelled as she softly pounded onto his chest as tears streamed down her face. "How could you go and get caught like that!?! You had all of us fucking scared!" As she said those words Kankuro and Gaara stepped inside, arms crossed and smiling.

Hankuros eyes widened in fear as he saw the other two before they spoke. "Listen." Gaara said sternly as he looked to him. "We're here for you. Things...have changed since you saw us last. We..we are sorry it took this long." Hankuro blinked as he gently placed his on the back of Temari's head. 'Did...did he just apologize?' He thought to himself as Gaara continued to talk. "We heard your birth mother was discovered through some snooping by the Leaf. It seems highly likely its true. But we want to know..I'm in line to be the next Kazekage. And under my rule you're one of us. You're a Sand ninja." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wrapped and fresh black headband. "Happy Birthday Hankuro."

Temari smiled and pecked his cheek. "Blue. Whatever you decide you always have a home with us. Just whatever you decide...make us proud you hear? You did great at the Chunnin Exams. Extraordinary actually right up to the whole collision with Sasuke. You made the rank in the village as well. Now we think a certain shy girl is waiting to see you." She smiled as she helped him up and walked out with the others.

Hankuro shook his head as he grabbed the headband and cupped it softly in his hand. "They...they really did care.." He smiled as a tear dropped onto the metal before he wrapped it around his forehead and the door opened again.

"H-Hankuro?" Hinata stepped in and smiled as she poked her fingers together. "H-Happy birthday Hankuro-kun. Lady Tsunade told me you have heard the good ne-" Her eyes widened as she felt him lift her off the ground and kiss her passionately and gently holding her against the wall.

"Thank you!!! Thank you so much Hinata!! I love you so fucking much!" His face was pressed to hers, forehead to forehead as he trembled.

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