Chapter 5: Leaves and Waves

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Lee stood ready, defensively as he eyed his opponent. "I see. For you will not make the first move. Then let I, the Handsome Devil of the Leaf come to you then." He seemed to bolt at Hankuro, his speed on a different level then what the Blue haired boy had ever seen before. As he went to block the first blow he was already nailed in the chest. "And how about one of these!" He then landed on his pivot foot and twirled into a striking kick to his jaw launching him upwards. "Ah I see. Then we go...with the Lotus." Hankuro coughed up a large amount of spit in the air as he tried to catch his breath, unfortunately he felt the wrappings from Lee's arms entangle him and then become gripped. "Primary Lotus!" Lee forced his weight into the other and they plummeted down into the arena.

The audience was a mixture of shock and excitement. Lee's sensai was smiling ear to ear in the stands as he stood next to Kakashi. "That's it Lee. The summer of youth is now!! And let it explode!" Kakashi deadpanned as he looked down. "I want none of that from you my oldest rival. You taught the Lightning Blade to Sasuke. My student is a splendid ninja and like myself had no apt in Genjutsu or Ninjutsu. So what else was I suppose to do. That's right!! Make him the worlds greatest...Taijutsu specialist on the planet."

Hankuro head and upper body was buried in the ground, legs flopped onto each side. The proctor was going to call the match before his body splashed into a pool of water and he emerged from behind a tree. "Good start Lee. But I'm not going down so easily I assure you that." He smiled and started forming hand signs and then gripping his sword. "Ninja Art: Aqua Blade." As his sword came out a large extension of rotating water surrounded its edge.

Lee smirked as he moved to stand up. "A splendid dodge my friend. But I will not be fooled twice. Forgive me sensei but I must do this to ensure my advancement." He leaned down and pulled off his leg weights and threw them behind him, causing a large crater from each ones landing. "Ah. And with that I feel so much better." He dug his feet in and seemed to cause a boom behind him as he lunged towards Hankuro.

Hankuro blinked as he almost missed Lee appearing in front of him. "Gotcha!!" He slashed at him but only hit an after image as he felt a sharp kick land into his back. "Gaw!!" He stumbled forward only to meet another foot into the chest followed up into a uppercut. "F-Fuck he's fast..." ~You need to let me help you. He's going to destroy you at this rate~ "SHUT UP I KNOW TH-" Before he could finish his sentence he felt another powerful kick launch him across the arena, tumbling into the wall, causing a large explosion and indent to form.

The audience was cheering into a roar for Lee, but there were also gasps of horror for Hankuro. Hinata was clenching her railing tightly as Kiba looked to her. "Geez spend a month with a guy. You didn't fall for the enemy did you Hinata?" She simply blushed at his words but also had tears welling up in her eyes. Kiba could read her lips as she whispered his name. "Shit..your Byakugan is active..he must be in trouble."

Temari and Naruto watched intently, Sasuke was resting and regaining his chakra in a private room. "Come have to put up more of a fight then that kid. Blue..." Naruto was speechless and unable to take a side as he watched.

An almost roaring sound could be heard from the cloud covered area. "What is this mysterious stranger doing? Surely that was not enough to defeat someone who took Tenten out in one jutsu." A small flow of water seemed to pour out from the hole, and then quickly a current of water blasted out. Lee quickly backflipped away until he met the opposite wall and focused chakra into his feet to climb up backwards. "Splendid you're still able to fight. You are a worthy opponent to risk it all it would seem. Sensei...forgive me but I must use that jutsu." He crossed his arms as he mumbled to himself but was then tapped on his shoulder.

"Hello." Hankuro hair was flowing upwards from the his chakra veil and a grin appeared as his voice turned more demonic. "GOOD BYE!!!" He then slammed Lee square in the jaw with an uppercut and a pillar of water followed and shot Lee into the other wall. Lee slowly made it to his feet and smiled before falling flat on his face. Hankuro's veil disappeared and he panted lightly as he was announced the winner and he began walking off to the winners balcony.

The audience erupted from the sudden turn around victory. The Hokage looked to the Kazekage and nodded. "Seems your chosen ninja have passed to both the quarter and semi-finals. You should be proud." The Kazekage nodded and smirked. "You're just lucky you had an Uchiha against my Gaara. Otherwise we would have three. But those two should do nicely."

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