Chapter 3: Explosion!

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10 Minutes before Exam 2 deadline

Temari stood with her team, arms crossed and tapping her foot. "Come on you blue hair idiot. Get here and prove your damn worth." She thought to herself as the proctor stood looking at his watch.

"And with that we are officially done acc-"

As he was about to announce the cut off a collection of explosions could be heard outside the waiting area and a ninja was flung inside. He was curled up, gripping his chest tightly as his hair flopped out from his hood. "H-Here.." Hankuro weakly said and slowly stood, his traditional garb from the Sand almost completely gone except the bottoms. He pulled out each scroll and slowly smiled.

Temari shook her head and walked over. "Really cutting it close Blue aren't you?" She chuckled lightly and helped him to stand up straight.

Hankuro nodded and handed his scrolls over to the proctor as he turned to the Hokage who cleared his throat. "It appears we have had an unheard of amount of passing teams this year. You 15 will now have preliminary match ups to determine the top 8 who will proceed to the Third and final tests of this year's Chunin exams. Please proceed to your designated areas on the balcony and await your pairings."

All the ninjas stood in there respective sections. Pairing after pairing winners were determined. Sasuke advanced, Naruto advanced, Neji advanced, Gaara advanced, Temari advanced. Then came the next round. "Tenten of the Leaf vs Kizamaye Hankuro of the Sand. Please make your way to the fighting area."

Tenten quickly jumped down, looking ready to go and barely having used any energy or chakra until now. Hankuro walked down, clearly still exhausted and barely able to stand. The bell dinged and Tenten instantly opened up a scroll on her back as weapons of all sorts came out. "Sorry rookie but you're in no shape to withstand me and I'm going to make it to the third part." She formed quick hand signs and then started grabbing weapons. "Ninja Art: Twin Bladed Dragons!"

Hankuro visibly gulped as he saw all the weapons launch at him. His eye quickly caught a glance at his fellow Sand Ninja and saw them all nod. "So..its time to secure my place.." He closed his eyes and a blue cloak of chakra surrounded him before they hit and kept them from touching his body.

Most of the Jonnin looked shocked seeing the chakra cloak as some special jutsu, except for Kakashi and Saratobi. "Tailed Beast chakra...but how?" Was the thought of the two.

Tenten smirked as she pulled out a smaller scroll and cupped it in her left hand. "Not a bad blocking jutsu. But this isn't over yet." She opened the small scroll in front of her and placed her left foot on the the scroll while pulling the last large scroll off her back. "Ninja Art: Rise Blade Dragons!" She formed hang signs quickly and then grinned as the swirling scrolls started launching large swords at Hankuro at rapid speeds.

Hankuro closed his eyes as a tail of chakra formed from his back. " you wish.." He formed a few hand signs and then opened his eyes. "Water Style: Twin Water Dragons!" Water seemed to push up from the ground and launched at Tenten, forming into two large dragons as they deflected the swords and slammed Tenten into the wall.

All but his fellow ninjas looked shocked. Not since the Second Hokage had they seen someone able to bring water from nowhere. The proctor stepped in and declared the match in Hankuros favor as Tenten lay unconscious on the ground as the water disappeared. Hankuro panted as the chakra cloak disappeared and he dropped to his knees. His fellow ninja had already left once they heard the decleration of victory.

Naruto looked down at the Sand ninja and gripped the railing. "He...he's like me..I can feel it." He turned to Kakashi who nodded knowing what he was going to ask. He jumped down from the balcony and walked over to him, extending his hand. "Uzamaki Naruto. Let me help you to get healed."

Hankuro looked stunned that someone, especially from another village, would care for him at all. "T-Thank you.." He grabbed Naruto hand and instantly felt them enter one another's mind. "'re like me." They both said and then smiled.

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