Chapter 19: Unlikely Meeting

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Hankuro sat bound in his cell. Eyes behind a blindfold, hands cuffed in chakra restriction and legs bound to the leg of his bed. "Just like old times huh...only difference this time is we aren't against one another. Isn't that right Isobu?"

*Well you are right for once that this time is different. For many reasons other then our own personal circumstance. We are in a general cell for one. Surprised on that one since the cell before was made for those like us. We can't see anything though, feel that was a Kankuro decision. He has always distrusted you for some reason. But you also have me this time so you won't get too sad from this. But why did you do it? You snapped and attacked the one man who can understand to an extent what it's like to be you.*

"To be honest...I don't really know why. Just...something came over me. I can sense that it wasn't fully me doing what I did. I think the snake snuck out a little there. But I think there was some truth. I've..I have held in a lot of my emotions for a long time. I really do dislike Gaara for becoming such an accepted person in the village and yet, they all still hate me. I feel sick when I think about the leaf village now...i can't go back there. I lost so much there and...and if Naruto or Hinata learns about what happened here then I...I would never look like the same person to them ever again."

His cell door opened and the sound of another prisoner being thrown into his cell could be heard. "You two snakes will do well together. Tch. Disgusting. You should be ashamed of what you attempted against Lord Gaara." The door was closed and the sound of a girl echoed inside the block.

"Fuck you ya Sand pig!!" She scoffed and turned to the bound person inside the cell. " are the one who tried to kill the Kazekage? Hmph. You look a little too pretty to try and hurt a Kage.." She walked closer to him and the flicker of the light in the cell shined on his curse mark. "That mark..wait...Kizamaye?" She ripped off the covering on his eyes as he slowly readjusted to the light.

"T-Tayuya? But...but how? You were suppose to have died almost...what 4 years ago?" He chuckled lightly as he felt her wrapped her arms around him and rub his head.

"Hankuro...i thought you've been dead too since Orochimaru took the tailed beast out of you."

4 Years Ago, Orochimaru's Lair:

"Tayuya...I have an assignment for you until we have word the Uchiha boy will be joining us." Kabutos voice rang inside of her room. "Seems Lord Orochimaru trusts you to be the least likely too do anything stupid. The Three Tails host, Kizamaye Hankuro. He wants you to watch over him. If he wakes from the drugs you're to reapply them. Understood?"

Tayuya nodded and smirked. "Seems like an easy enough job. Orochimaru is worried about nothing, he ain't going nowhere." She chuckled softly and left her room and walked straight to the prison holding areas and inside his room. "Hmm. Never was told he was...rather cute. Interesting natural hair color." She closed and sealed the room behind her and sat in the chair beside him.

He hung from the ceiling, bound by chains as his almost motionless body drifted. "H-hinata..." He softly whispered in his drug induced sleep. "I'm sorry...i wasn't...stronger.." His eyes slowly fluttered opened as he noticed just the pink hair of the other person at first in the room. "Sakura? Are you here to he-" He stopped as he watched her stand up, needle in hand as she walked toward him.

"I don't know who this Sakura is. But that ain't me. Or for the matter who this Hinata is either. But it's time to go night night again champ." She moved almost to the point the needle was in his neck and stopped. "You're not Sand Ninja...but you wear there garb and headband. Are you a spy?"

"W-What do you mean? I grew up in the Sand since I was a baby. Thats the only place I've ever known til now. Please don't have to drug me. I won't fight...i can't fight. I'm too weak to fight back.."

Tayuya was taken back at this admition of weakness. "See right there. A sand nin is taught never to surrender to there enemy. You remind me of The Mist village to be honest." She placed the needle down and moved closer to him, placing a hand on his scarred and healing body as she took a deep sniff. "Yeah..that aroma definitely reminds me of the Mist Village shinobi I've encountered over the years. Yet you claim you're Sand...i can sense that's where you're raised though. Interesting."

Hankuro took a deep gulp as he felt the other place her small and soft hands on his body. "If...if you're here to hurt me. Just do it already. All you Sound ninja are the same. I learned that from my time in the forest of death and from the one you call Kabuto. I have nothing else to tell you kill me or just do whatever it is you're here to do."

Tayuya raised a brow and moved to the crank holding him in the air as she lowered him to the floor. "Hmm." She walked back over to him and cupped his chin. "This Hinata. You love her?" He nodded as she smirked. "And you don't want the pain anymore, right?" He scoffed lightly and then nodded again. "Good. Kiss me. Like you would this Hinata. I won't hurt you or drug you if you show me what love feels like."

Hankuro grew hesitant at this offer but bit his lip. *Hinata please forgive me...i can't deal with this pain anymore.* He thought to himself before he leaned down and locked his lips with hers, slowly entwining his tongue with hers and letting soft moans escape his lips.

Tayuya let the same noises escape her own as she wrapped her arms around him and unbound his arms. "...make me understand love.." She shifted her shoulders as her top lowered and a blush came across her cheeks. "Make me...make me feel again Kizamaye!"

Back inside there cell:

" sorry I forced that on you. I...i thought I didn't have a chance at finding someone and you were different is all."

"It happened a few times and I would be lying if I didn't say I started liking it Tayuya. Hey...if we both get out of here. Wanna give it a real try?" She chuckled lightly and nodded.

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