Chapter 20: The War Begins

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Four Months later:

"Kizamaye Hankuro. Dressed and ready. The Kazekage has a meeting with you upon your release today." The guard spoke quickly as he walked past his cell.

Hankuro shook his head as he sighed and got dressed, looking over at the empty space in his room and rubbing his now bare neck. "Tayuya...I won't take this second chance lightly. Thank you...i know taking my curse led to your death. I won't waste this chance you gave me at a second life." A silent tear rolled down his cheek and dripped onto the ground. As he left, his hand slowly drifted passed an engraving in the wall "H&T".

The walk was rather fast as he went directly to the Kazekage building. Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro were standing in the entrance all wearing a new headband. "Well. Good to see you behaved and were able to make your release date Blue. How are you feeling?" Temari asked calmly as she looked him over. "Ah. I see she was able to remove the curse mark. We really are sorry for her passing. We tried our best to keep her alive. But...we have rather serious matters to talk about." She walked forward and held out a fresh headband for him.

"Ninja? What's this all about? Where is everyone, the village seemed like a ghost town? And...well I'm much better now. And thank you...She gave me a second chance to do right by everyone."

Gaara stepped forward and cleared his throat. "War. The Akatsuki has declared war against the Five great nations. And we all have formed an Alliance to combat this new threat. I was actually named the leader of the Army. We want you to come with us. Despite Kankuros disagreement to this decision, I want you by my side Hankuro. I know what happened wasn't all your fault." Gaara bowed to him, keeping his head down. "I never wanted you too feel like an outcast when you came home. are my friend. Other then Uzamaki you truly were one of my first true friends. Please accept my apology and be there with me. If it were to be my last fight...I don't want to go down without my friend there with me."

Hankuro shook his head as he took the new headband, removing his old one and putting it on. "Gaara..." He laughed very softly as he walked over to him, lifting him up and then hugged him gently. "I would rather die by my brothers side...then live without him. I'm so sorry for what I did...consider this my debt to work off."

Later that day on the Battlefield:

"Hankuro!!! On your left!" Gaara yelled out as he watched a stream of water launch the Zetsu into the air and fall ontop of another.

"Thanks!!! Brother on your right!" He grunted as he pushed off the ground with chakra and collided his fist into the one coming after Gaara and got back to back with him. "They just won't stop coming...and I'm running out of my chakra. If...If I keep going like this I'll have no choice Gaara."

"We've reached the point of no return. Without reinforcements and the reanimated ninja now coming...I give you permission as your commander to use it Hankuro. We need to turn the tide and we need to do it fast." Hankuro nodded as the two built some room and a large rush of wind started surrounding him.

"Isobu!!! It's time!" *You're good to go kid! Let's go wild!* He smirked lightly as the chakra cloak surrounded his body and two tails formed as he weaved hand signs. "Water Style: Grand Fall Express!" From underneath his feet water began to form all around him and then shot forward towards the hordes of Zetsu's and animated dead. "Lightning Style: Liquid Execution!" He slammed his hand into the water as bolts of high strength electricity shot into every enemy the water touched. The allied ninja force froze as they realized they had a Jinchuruki on the field the whole time and then erupted into cheers.

Gaara smirked and nodded as he then received a message through and sighed. "Hankuro...looks like you're needed on another front. How are you feeling?"

He panted softly and then raised his thumb. "Fantastic. As long as you have this covered I can go where you need." He then heard Shikakus commands in his head and nodded. "Roger. Intercept Naruto and Killer Bee with the Raikage and Hokage." He smiled to Gaara before running off.

At the interception point:

"Naruto stop acting like a child!" Tsunade spoke up as she stood with the Raikage stopping him from getting towards the war. "This war is to keep you and Killer Bee from getting into the hands of the Akatsuki. The tailed Beasts inside each of you are the last steps to complete Madara's plan. Dont you see its for your safety we kept you far from this?"

"That might be true. But you know I'm not one to let others get hurt in a fight on my behalf. Besides." He chuckled and pressed his thumb into his chest and smiled. "I'm much stronger now. Bee-chan taught me how to be one with Kyubi. I'll be able to hand a lot more no-" He quickly went into his chakra cloak mode and snarled. "If you're trying to keep Jinchuruki off the battlefield...why is Hankuro on his way here?"

*He can sense chakra that far away? Wait...* "Naruto you look upset. Is he okay?" Tsunade asked as the Raikage stepped forward behind her with a bit of concern.

"Please you need to let us through. He's walking into a trap. These chakra's...hes about to be surrounded by some really nasty Reanimated ninja."

Midway to the Intercept Point:

A large explosion happened, through the smoke Hankuro was flung into a large tree. "G-Gaw...they would...bring them back to stop me...hi guys...Long time no see huh?"

Through the cloud four figures began to emerge, one in particular. "Hankuro-kun...I don't have control over my actions. You need to get out of here now and let us go where we are assigned to." Tayuya stepped forward with the other Sound Four behind her. "...don't make me have to hurt you." The other three laughed at her sentiment but watched as they felt there strings stop them from attacking. *Tayuya...the perfect choice to stop The Three Tails and her host. Heh Orochimaru would enjoy this.* Kabutos voice echoed inside there heads.

Hankuro shook his head as he slowly stood up. *Kid...i know you loved her...but we have a mission.* "You think I dont know that Isobu? But you need to recharge your chakra...ill handle this." He sighed as he clenched his fists and a breeze came over him and it felt familiar. " this feeling..." He felt a hand on his shoulder as he slowly turned to look and saw the image of Jiraiya standing there and speaking inside his head. *It hurts kid...i know it does. But she's not herself. Set her free and keep them at bay. Our boys on his way to help* and as he finished his message he shook his head and just saw a frog had landed on his shoulder. "Jiraiya...thank you." He turned back to Tayuya and sighed. "If someone has to put you to rest...It is best it be me."

" it before we are taken over then..Hankuro-kun.."

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