Chapter 12: Finding Hope

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Several weeks later:

Hankuro breath was heavy as he ran through the forest. The Leaf had just sent word that wasn't suppose to reach his ears of having successfully sealing the Three Tails in a lake. There had been word they were trying to figure out whom the Tailed Beast was suppose to go to and a proper host. He had only found this information out when Temari had attended the discussion meeting on the information.

"Isobu...hold on. I'm coming to save you and bring you home!!" He thought to himself as he kept running through the forests.

Back in the Sand Village:

"Temari!!! Do you realize what you've done?!" Kankuro yelled inside the meeting room as she stood in the center of the room, surrounded by the Elders and at the head of the room Gaara. "He's a loose cannon and now he's going to regain the three tail for himself. That can be taken as a sign of breaking are truce with the Leaf! Why, please tell me why you'd think it would be smart for him to know this information?"

Temari stood silent, arms crossed in front of herself as she tried to figure out the right way to explain herself. As Kankuro was about to speak again Gaara spoke up over him. "Enough Kankuro. Temari...please. I need to know so I can proceeding with proper procedures on how to handle you and him. You are my elder sister...but these actions are very serious. It could bring struggle between our villages, and with the Akatsuki and our borderland villages causing problems we don't have the resources to deal with two different fronts. So please, calmly I ask you to explain why you went against the instructions of both villages."

"Thank you Gaara. But...there's only one true answer here. And its love. He loves the Three Tails. They had just bonded and were equals when that snake ripped her from him and left him in a dungeon for years. Gaara of all people you should understand that connection when you come to an understanding. This was not about power or chakra to him. Its a missing piece of his soul. If you had the chance to even recover a fraction of the Shikaku and take it in. Wouldn't you?"

Gaara sighed and sat back. "You know my answer is yes.'re assuring me this isn't him trying to get power to get revenge? This is purely him wanting the Three Tails back..because he misses it?"

"Yes. He purely misses her and wants them to be one again."

"You're dismissed for now. We will have to see how this works out and I'll need to go speak with the Hokage. You'll accompany on the journey. Kankuro you'll stay here and handle day to day operations. If anything more needs my hand, send word." Kankuro nodded as Gaara dismissed the rest and looked to Temari. "I hope you are right on this Temari. Or will be having some real problems when he gets back."

A few miles from the lake:

Hankuro rested against a tree, hunch over and panting as he held his knees. "Man...they really set up containment at the location." He chuckled lightly as he started to walk but noticed several Leaf village Jonin layed out dead or Unconciius. "What the hell is th-" His eyes widened as he heard explosions from in front of him and could then hear the screeching of a creature. "Isobu..." He grit his teeth and ran full speed to the lake.

Above the lake was what appeared to be a bird with two men standing on top of it dropping bombs into the waters bellow, causing loud and ear raddling screeches from the Three Tails. "Oh wooow Mr. Deadara. You're really giving that Tailed Beast a beating. Hoo hoo its going to be so easy to bring it in isn't it?"

"God why the hell Pain thought you'd be a good pair for me is insane, tch. Tobi just shut the hell up and watch for more Leaf twats. I wanna get this...who the hell is that!?" His eye zoomed in to see a panting Sand ninja standing at the waters edge. "What the hells a sand ninja doing all the way out here?"

"Oh!!! That must be the former Jinchuruki. We heard rumors Orochimaru kept him alive after extraction. Wowza. He might be a problem dontcha think?"

Before Deadara could speak he felt a shift in the clay birds spot as it now had a large Demon Windmill shuriken lodged in its side. "Hey!!! Tch, don't disrespect art you brat!!" He started raising his hands to gather clay but was hit by the birds explosion as the Shuriken started spinning with electricity coming off it.

"Demons Lightning!!" Hankuro yelled from the shore and looked to see Isobu in such rough shape as tears rolled down his face. "Isobu...what has Orochimaru and everyone done to you..."

She slowly turned to him and floated toward him and spoke directly in his mind. *Hankuro...I..I thought you were dead when he took me out of you. I'm so happy to know you're still alive. But you need to go. These two are on another level compared to you right now. Please I can distract them so you can.." She stopped as she felt his hand touch her leg. *Hankuro?*

His eyes were closed tightly as tears streamed down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry Isobu...I was suppose to protect you. But I was to weak back then. And...and even now I don't think I have enough chakra to seal you completely inside me. I've missed you so much.."

*I've missed you too Hankuro. You're very special to me. I've not bonded to a human before like I have you. You're such an interesting one. But..but please you need to leave so they don't kill you.*

"I'm not leaving here without some of you at least with me." He took his hand off of her and then ripped open his jack and shirt as a 8 Tetragram seal was marked and ready on his stomach. "I'm...I'm going to aim for at least half your chakra...that way they'll think they have captured you but you'll still be alive in me." He smiled as he started forming hand signs before he heard the two ninjas sturring.

"OH!!! OH YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!! TOBI LEAVE THEM BOTH TO ME!!" Deadara stood and launched a barrage of clay creations from his hands as spiders, birds and humanoid clay men ran towards Isobu and Hankuro.

"Shit...not enough time to get this done.." Hankuro changed up his hand signs and then smiled. "One sec beautiful." He took a deep breath and then launched an air bullet formed with electricity in it." Storm Style: Lightning Cloud Bullet!" It collided with the clay creatures and counter acted his jutsu as he quickly formed hand signs and then slammed his hand onto Isobu. "Sealing Jutsu!!!" A blinding light covered the area as Tobi and Deadara covered there eyes.

"Damn it!!! Tobi quick!! Get in there and separate him before be steals our pray!"

"Yes sir!!!" He ran forward toward them but noticed as he got closer the light faded and watched as the young ninja was flung rather far back into the forest. "Looks like his body can't take the Tailed Beast now. But did weaken it for us. Mr. Deadara we're all set. The stupid backfired his jutsu!!! And hurt the tailed beast."

"Good, tch. Lets start the extraction and fucking leave."

Hankuro was curled up in a ball, having been flung several hundred feet from the area. A small smirk grew on his face as he looked down and saw the seal was set on his stomach. "A-Achieved.." He slowly pulled out a scroll and bit his thumb and pressed the blood to the scroll as it disappeared.

Midway to the leaf village:

Temari stopped floating on her fan as she hailed for Gaara and pulled out the scroll from her pack. "Gaara this is from Hankuro. Its a S.O.S scroll the ANBU developed to rely if they need pickup or back up."

"And what does this do to help us find him?"

"Well to send it you have to use you blood like a reverse summoning. Its got his coordinates inside." She opened it up and nodded. "Its both an extraction and backup call. We need to get to the Leaf faster."

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