Chapter 21: Failure..

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"Hankuro...why...could you not stop me?" Her voiced echoed inside his head as her coffin appeared and took her body off the battlefield, Hankuro laying against a tree in a pool of his own blood and a large wound through his stomach. "T-Tayuya...I sorry..." His eyes fluttered as he slowly started to drift out of consciousness, body growing cold.

"Kid!! You need to stay awake! You can't die here yet...this isn't where you're suppose to just give up.." Isobu held his lifeless body inside there mind, his eyes shut tightly as his lips quivered. "Come on kid. That's it. There are people coming. They have to be the Kages, and Naruto, and this Killer Bee. Come on sweetheart don't give up. Please...please we need to live and help stop this war."

" sorry. I'm sorry I...i couldn't fight harder. And...and for not being a stronger vessel for you." He looked down at his stomach and softly chuckled before moving his hand to her cheek and gently cupped it. "I'll miss...these little meetings of friend.." His head started to sway back and forth before finally leaning forward and resting in her chest as his eyes shut.

"Hankuro?....Hankuro don't play around with me right now...Hankuro!?!"

The room went dark for him until a small fire began to light in the distance. "Where...where am I?" The shadow of a taller figure became visible and seemed to wave him over. "H-hello?"

"Don't worry kid. I know this is scary...but you'll be okay soon enough. Sit down...and will finally have a chance to talk." A soft chuckle escaped the others lips as Hankuro sat down next to him. " have been through a lot haven't you son?"

"Son? You don't mean to tell me that you're my...well my father?" He slowly turned to look at the other person who did look strikingly similar to himself but with short spikey blue hair instead of his own long straight hair.

"Heh. Glad you picked that up quick. Yeah kid. Which means you know you're dead or dying at least. I'm glad we can finally meet. My name's Hosaki Sunari. You're last name comes from your mother, Sakura Kizamaye. We wanted to be there and raise you...but that wasn't meant to be it would seem." He sighed as he threw a log onto the fire and then jolted slightly as he felt the young ninja wrap himself around his chest. "There there little one." He gently placed his hand on top of his head and stroked his hair. "You have all the time in the world to get those feelings out now."

"If you're here. Then...then where's mom?" His tear covered face looked up to Hosaki. "We..we aren't in the afterlife are we?"

"Limbo kid. For all those who have disgracefully ended there lives. Or trapped between dying and dead. Mom's in the afterlife waiting for her baby boy. Me though? Im sorry to say this will be the only time you see me kid. After they murdered your mother when you were born and came after me...I was wounded badly and decided to take my own life instead of fighting. I'm sorry kid I wasn't a good dad. And I'm sorry for that shit show of a childhood you suffered because of it. That's probably another reason I'm never getting out of here. But hey! We have however long this is together and I will answer anything you have to ask."

Back in the World:

Tsunade was holding her hands over the large wound in his stomach. "Come on kid! Keep fighting! I saved you once before and I will do it again." Bee and the Third Raikage stood solemn over the two as Naruto grit his teeth and knelt down next to Tsunade and Hankuro.

"Grandma can save him can't you?" He had gently place Hankuro's hand in his own and fought back his tears.

"Naruto, get close to his mouth and tell me if you can hear him breathing."

Naruto nodded and moved his ear as close to his mouth as possible. He closed his eyes and gripped his hand tightly. "Come on Hankuro. Just one breath. Even a.." He heard a very weak and soft pant of him breathing. "It's faint but he's still breathing!"

Tsunade nodded and bit her thumb and slammed her hand onto the ground behind them. "Summoning Jutsu!" A large sized Slug appeared and looked to Tsunade. "Katsuyu! This boys clinging to life. Please take him back to the forest and heal him." *Yes Lady Tsunade.* The large slug put him onto her back and then disappeared. "There. I'll summon her back in a few hours and he should be okay and ready to fight." She took a deep sigh of relief and then stood and looked over Naruto and Bee. "You two...that right there was an example of why we didn't want you involved. A Tailed Beasts host laying on the battlefield, dying and moments from having there Tailed Beast escape. You see why we kept you away?"

"Yo. The fool came here to stop us you see. But he was too young and dumb. Unlike the fantastic Killer Bee. My boy Naruto and I we ain't like he. Will make quick work of these fools and they will certainly lose."

"Yeah. And when Hankuro is better he can come with us too. He did something I never could do on my own and that was gaining control. He seemed exhausted is all and was caught off guard by his opponents which were the Sound Five. But more importantly the person he cared a lot about was among them. I know I couldn't easily fight someone I loved." Naruto stood up and rubbed the back of his head. "Please trust us and send Hankuro when he's all healed up okay?"

"Bee! Consider this your only warning. If you die or let him die. There will be serious repercussions. Understood?" Bee nodded and then turned as him and Naruto ran off. "Alright Lady Tsunade. Let's get heading back. Headquarters sounds like they have somewhere we Kages are needed."

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