Chapter 10: Somethings Different

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The following day:

Hankuro lay still in the hospital, his arms attached to monitors and ivs as doctors came and left. He was in the critical care ward, his chakra network was very warped and not properly connected and it would take a while for the professionals to get him put together again.

Sakura was tending to Naruto in the room near Hankuros. " he okay? He..he looked horrible. It doesn't look like he's seen the sun in years." Naruto said, his voice cracking lightly.

"He's really messed up Naruto. His chakra network is really messed up, he's going to be lucky to use a jutsu ever again. Orochimaru did a really good number on him. Curse mark and all..and his chakra reserves seem drastically lower now." She sighed as she finished her treatment on him and turned to walk away. "I..I think his tailed beast was removed somehow..and I think that's where most of his chakra came from."

Naruto closed his eyes and visibly gulped as he nodded. "He's lucky to be alive if that's the case." An alarm sounded inside the hospital and Sakuras head jolted upwards as the blue lights lit and she rushed off.

Hankuros monitors had flat-lined and Tsunade herself was in the room trying to bring him back. "Come on brat!!! You survived three years of hell you're not dying on us now!!"


"Send word to the Sand...we've found and stabilized there missing Ninja...yes also include the detail of his missing Tailed Beast." Tsunade relayed the information to the coders who sent the messanger bird away. She rubbed her forehead as Shizune walked in tagged along by Sakura. "Yes? What else could be needed of me today?"

"L-Lady Tsunade. He's..He's awake." Shizune spoke softly as she looked to her mentor. Sakura stepped forward and bowed. "Ma'am...he's rather frightened and anxious. He..he doesn't seem to understand he's not a captive anymore. What shall we do?"

"I'll handle this. You two go home for the night." Tsunade threw her jacket on and walked to the hospital. Her mind raced as she tried to think of how to ease the young man. "He's going to need a good amount of help. Mentally and Physically. But..maybe I can help somewhat."

Hankuros eyes darted back and forth as he looked around the room, panting heavily as he felt his hands were restrained to the bed. "WHERE ARE YOU SNAKE!!!! JUST FINISH ME OFF ALREADY, I HAVE NO PURPOSE FOR YOU NOW!!!" He bit his lip as he felt the sharp pain come from his neck as the curse mark tried to spread but there had been a seal placed on it when he arrived. A knock was on his door and slowly it opened. His heart monitor was starting to go off the chart until he noticed the familiar face come through. "N-Naruto?.."

The blonde hair doof nodded as he walked towards him. "Yeah its me. I was just as surprised to find you the other day, ya know? You're safe now Hankuro." He pulled a chair over to his bedside and gave his goofy smile. "Man. You sure did grow up a lot since we last saw each other. Your hair is super long and super cool now too."

Hankuro blinked at the other. "Y-You look so different now too. You're really tall. And..don't take this weird but..handsome." His last comment caused a light blush to form on Narutos cheeks. " I've been missing three years? Mind...mind catching me up on what I missed?"

Tsunade walked into the room to hear the chuckling and laughter of Naruto and Hankuro and smiled. "You two seem drawn to one another." As she spoke the two chuckled and in unison rubbed the back of there heads. "Goofs. Come on Naruto I need to check on my patient." Naruto nodded as he stood up to leave and as he left he reached out and gently held Hinata's hand. Hankuro caught this and his heart sank but he also knew he had been gone for so long this wasn't his place.

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