Chapter 18: Breaking Point

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Several Weeks later:

Hankuro sat on top of the Kazekages building, hair sticking out from his hood as tears fell from his cheeks. He was clenching at his pants as he let his pain out. "Why am I not allowed to love the person I want to? First Hinata was taken from me, then Temari was never truly mine to begin with. Its...its not fair Isobu. Its not fair that everyone else is allowed to love and feel loved but I'm not." He shook his head as he felt the tailed beast cloak slowly start to take form and wrap around his body. "Why can't I have what they all have? I was so close to getting Hinata back..but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I...i just wanted her happy." *Hankuro you need to calm down. You're starting to lose control and subconsciously letting my chakra out again. Come on. You're a good person and just..the right person hasn't come along yet." He nodded slowly as the chakra retreated. "You're right...i know you're right too. Its just hard you know?" He slowly turned around and pulled his feet off the side of the building. "How much did you hear of that?"

"Enough to know you haven't been telling me the truth when we have our daily talks Hankuro. If you've really felt like this why haven't you told me?" Temari slowly placed her hands on her sides and stared at the blue haired ninja. "I hate being lied to. Especially by someone I consider a brother."

"That's kind of why to be honest. You look at me like your brother still...All I can see is my ex lover that almost the whole relationship was a lie. And I know that's not your fault but..but I'm a sensory type. I should have noticed the change in you before it ever got that far." He winced slightly and rubbed his neck as he started walking towards her, she opened her arms expecting him wanting a hug but felt the coldness of his new aura as he walked right past her and towards the stairs.

"Um. Excuse me? What do you hate me now Hankuro?" She grabbed his shoulder and as he turned she could see the slow curse mark pattern emerging from his neck. "Hankuro! Your neck!! How long has this been happening?"

"Ever since the Leaf Village attack by became unstable and ive been trying to gain control of it so..So he can never come back and try to take over my body again." He went to turn his head back but felt Temari hold it still. "Please...let me go Temari. I want to go back to my house and be alone...please don't make me have to force you to let me leave."

"Was..was that a threat? From you!? To me!?" She had a slight laugh get choked up in her throat as she let go. His eyes never left hers as he stared back, a clear anger growing from how she reacted. "Hey. Whats with that look now?"

"You all underestimate me. Ever since I was brought her. Upto the exams. After I was found alive. Even after I helped retrieve Isobu's chakra and protect the fucking Leaf. Everyone still talks like Naruto did everything." A cloud of wind and electricity started to form around his feet and zap anything near by, a small crackle rippling off and stinging Temari's foot. "Like seriously!? I was there! I was prepared to die to make sure more people didn't get hurt. I watched as one man practically wiped out a village and STILL stood up and took on someone stronger then me for everyone! EVERYONE!" His eyes slowly focused to the roof entrance as he sense Gaara opening the door. "Good...Im glad he's coming up here."

"Temari? What is with the yelling? We can hear it through the entire bui-" Gaara's eyes widened as his sand came up just in time as Hankuro's lightning style Jutsu almost connected. "The hell is your problem Kizamaye?"

"I'm tired of you all disrespecting me and my strength! I'm strong...Im stronger then any of you will ever admit!" His right side of his body was covered in the first stage curse mark as he seemed to have an unhinged look and aura to him. "Come on Gaara of the Desert. 4th Kazekage. Take a simple Chunnin down!!" Hankuro then began to run towards Gaara, quickly forming hand signs as small orbs or Electricity and Water gathered around him.

"Temari...get the team. I'll handle him for now. He's not in the right mindset...And physicality seems to be how to get through to him. Relay code Aqua-Charlie to Kankuro and get back up here as soon as possible. I will contain him but I must admit...I don't know his true strength with both a reserve of tailed beast chakra and an Orochimaru curse mark." Temari nodded and as she left Gaara took a defensive stance and began launching his sand.

Hankuro smirked as his water orbs collided with his sand and made it null turning it to a wet mush. "What's wrong Gaara?! Haven't faced someone with more then two nature elements?" He cackled as he used his wind nature to move faster, and a ball of electricity formed in his hand. "Harudigan MK2: Storm Impact!"

An explosion was heard from the top of the Kazekages building. Shortly after the smoke cleared the shadow of a body fell from the top and collided with the ground, Gaara was slowly sitting up, his sand shield absorbing the bulk of that hit but he still had blood dripping from his mouth. "So...he learned how to combine all three natures into one Jutsu? exactly why I thought you were dangerous Hankuro. Your determination to grow outgrew your own self-doubt of weakness finally." He shook his head as he got to his feet, watching as the other was descending down. "Good shot old friend.."

"Old friend? Barely something you can actually call me. You tortured me as a child. You brought me to the brink of death and then your father threw me into a cage. Friends? We were never friends. I was gone for years and come back to a softened shell of a Demon." He shook his head as he lift his left hand to his face and gripped it, a cackle slipping from his lips. "Ha...ha...this is priceless when you think about it. The youngest Kage of all the 5 Nations. Being taken to his limit by the tool his own nation tried making to take on the other nations." He kept laughing to himself as his curse mark retreated and his chakra cloak started to come out. "Please...fight me. Make me feel something again. And I will your blood taste Gaara?"

Gaara shook his head as he raised his hand and from underneath Hankuro several layer of puppets clamped down on him and his screams echoed from inside. "I don't know what happened to make you break Hankuro...but I will try and fix you." Gaara took a few steps forward but dropped to one knee, gasping softly. Temari appeared behind him and gently placed his arm over her neck and helped balance his weight. "Thank you Temari...i think will need to get help for our friend here."

"You think? Look he just attacked a Kage...he is only lucky we look at him as sibling or those puppets would have been the Black Vise class and he would be a puddle of blood."

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