Chapter 27

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Manik was missing on his and Nandini's engagement day. Nandini got to know about that. She ran down only to see Manik's car entering into the premises. Nandini ran towards the car but









Manik was not there. It was the driver only who came out of the car. Alone.

Nandini looked around with a last hope that maybe he is around. He was only teasing her but deep down she knew it was the reality. "Where is, Manik? Why is Manik's car with you? Where have you gone?"

"Manik baba only asked me to drive his car today." The driver replied in a low tone.

"But where is Manik? Why isn't he here with you?" Nandini asked once again. But this time her voice was low. She knew Manik was gone yet she was not strong enough to hear it. She still wanted to believe that he was around and in a few second he would come in front of her.

"I have come after dropping Manik baba to the airport."

Till now others had also reached there and they also heard everything. Their condition was worse, they didn't know what was happening.

Cabir who was there behind Nandini, went to stand beside her and tried to handle her which was not going to be easy and he was well aware of the matter. "Nandu, you don't worry. Calm down. We......."

Nandini didn't hear anything what he told. She was into some separate zone. She stumbled at her place. Alya held her who was just beside her.

"Alya, take Nandini inside, I will see things here."

Alya nodded and took Nandini in her room while Cabir left for airport to stop Manik.

Guests who had come to attend the engagement also got to know that Manik is missing. They also started gossiping about them. Some were also pointing fingers on their characters specially on Nandini's.

Nandini was numb since the time she heard Manik has left. Alya tried to pacify her. She was making Nandini understand that everything would be okay but it was like she didn't even hear anything. Only one thing was roaming in her mind that is

Manik has left. . . . . . .  

Nandini started crying. She couldn't hold herself back anymore. She cried her heart out hugging Alya. Aryaman came there. He was looking down. He told in a low voice. "Manik has left for London."

Other side in the flight
Manik was sitting on his seat leaning his head backwards thinking about Nandini. Because she is the only person he has in his heart.

In his entire existence. . . . . . . .

His eyes were blood red. He has not committed any mistake today what he did today was sin and he knew it.

Manik's pov

I know whatever I did today with Nandini was not right. It can't be categorized even as mistake or blunder, it's a sin. I have broken her fragile heart with own hand which I wanted to protect always. I am her culprit.

What she must be doing now? I know she must be crying. I hate her tears but at the end of the day every time I am the only reason of her tears. I wish I had never stepped into her life only. Then she wouldn't have to cry so much.

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 (𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐) Where stories live. Discover now