Chapter 32

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Nandini and Smaran were sitting face to face in a cafe. They both were silent not knowing how to start the conversation. It was Smaran who broke the silence between them.

"I know you are not comfortable with me. But we're....."

"I think you don't know anything about me. I'm here only because dad has asked me to else I had no plan to see anyone right one. I had to agree because I couldn't disrespect him. I need to tell you something. It's. . . . ."

"Relax." Smaran gestured her to calm down.

"No, I . . . . . "

She was again cut by him before she could speak anything. "I know everything about you already, Nandini. Uncle told me everything what happened with you. About you and Manik."

Nandini looked at him with wide eyes not getting where this conversation would be heading. "Then?" She managed to utter this single word amidst the things running in her mind.

"Nandini, when my parents showed me your photo that time only I fell in love with you. Yes, I'm already in love with you. I'm sorry, if you feel awkward. You don't have to say anything to me not I'm expecting you to reciprocate to my feelings. I told you it all because I like keeping everything straight and clear. I had no intention to offend you. Leave it. What do you want to have?"

"Nothing." All this was too much for her. She didn't know how she should react with Smaran's sudden confession. It was the least thing she was expecting at that moment.

"Come on, Nandini. Now don't tell me, you don't have any favourite food as well." He tried to make the air thinner.

Nandini smiled slightly for the first time looking down.


"I like panipuri, ice cream and . . . . ."

Smaran laughed. "Okay okay I got it."

"What's there to laugh? Aren't they food only?" Nandini asked in an ice cold tone being irritated.

"Of course, they are. They are every girls regular food."

Nandini raised her eyebrows looking at him. "I see you have a lot of experience in these things."  

Smaran chuckled hearing her. "It's not the way you're thinking. I have a lot of girl friends, so I know it from them."

Nandini smiled shortly nodding her head. "Okay. I understand and you don't need to explain anything to me."

Smaran wanted to say something but Nandini got up already.

"Let's go to have your panipuri." Smaran offered her as he too got up behind her.

"Not today. I've some work in the hospital and it's been long since I'm out here. But thanks for the offer." Nandini declined politely not wanting be rude to him neither she wanted him to have any hope that she would see him.



𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 (𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐) Where stories live. Discover now