Chapter 30

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"Manik, let's get married." Soha uttered suddenly making his breath stuck in throat.

Manik just stared at her. "What!!!" His shrieked in shock.

Soha was taken aback with his reaction. She was not expecting it. She thought he would be happy. She tried to maintain the smile on her face. "Why are you looking so shocked? It was decided beforehand only. So, I don't want to wait anymore. Let's get married."

"We will. But I need some time. I'm not yet ready for it." He turned his face to other side. He closed his eyes only to see the flash of Nandini's sight in that red saree if their engagement day.

Soha hugged him from back. "Okay, baby. No problem. We will get married whenever you are ready."

Manik pushed her a little away from him. "I need to freshen up."


Manik came out of washroom. He saw Anurag waiting for him. He got up seeing Manik.

"I had talked with Soha's doctor."

"What did he say?" His voice was eager.

"She is still not okay. We have to make sure that she doesn't get angry. We can't give her pressure to do anything. We need to make her understand everything calmly. If we want her to be fine, we need to keep her with someone whom she likes, whom she wants to be with."

"Uncle, if you don't mind, can I say something?"

"Of course. You don't need my permission to say anything. It's because of you only that our daughter is still alive."

Manik sighed. "Let's take her to India. The place where she has grown up. I'm sure she is somewhere attached to there. Everyone is connected to the place where they have born. It will help her to remember her past. Then may be she will be okay."

"Maybe you are right. We have already tried so many ways, there is nothing wrong in trying this too. You try to make her agree. If she agrees, we don't have any problem. I will make the arrangement."

Then Anurag left from there.

After a week
"Soha. . ." Manik knocked on Soha's door. He has finally prepared himself to face her and ask her to go back to India. He just hoped that she doesn't go out of control again.

Soha smiled sweetly seeing him as it's very rare when Manik comes to her by himself. "Oh, come in. You don't need permission."


"You here? Suddenly. . . . ."

"Have you thought about that?" Manik looked at her desperately. It's not for her, he wants to go back for himself.

Soha threw the magazine away which was in her hand. She was getting irritated with her parents and Manik trying to convince her to go to India. "Ufff. Manik, please. If you are here again to talk about going to India, then stop. I don't want to talk about it."

Manik was not surprised. He was expecting something like this only but he has to make her agree anyhow. "Soha, please for once. Please. For me."

Soha stared at Manik's face for while before sighing away. She smiled. "Okay. But only for you."

"Thank you." Manik smiled brightly.

Manik was excited. He was happy for the first time since he came here. He wanted to go back. But he can't go alone else Soha will again pull some stunt like this. Manik can't wait to go back.

To his Nandini.

Manik has decided that this time he will tell Nandini everything. About Soha. How he got stuck with her. He will say everything which has happened in his life.

He will  her how much he missed her.

In India
"Baba, may I come in?" Nandini asked standing at the door of Nyonika and Shreekant's room.

Shreekant smiled seeing Nandini. "You don't need to take permission to enter into my room."

Nandini smiled and came in.

"You are here suddenly? Did you get your result?"

Nandini nodded. "Hmm. From now on you have to call me Dr Nandini. I'm not the kid Nandini anymore."

Shreekant smiled proudly looking at the girl in front of him. He could not believe she has grown up so much. "So, finally you became doctor."

Nandini bobbed her head. "Yeessh."

Nandini and Shreekant were talking and smiling when Nyonika came there.

"Why are you two so happy? Tell me too."

"Oh... Nyo, our Nandini has finally become doctor. Get some sweets." Shreekant replied her with a bright smile.

"I wish Manik was here today...." Nyonika became emotional.

Hearing Manik's name Nandini's face went pale. Shreekant also stopped smiling. Nandini composed herself and tried to lighten the situation, "I have another good news. I forgot to tell you."

"What?" Nyonika asked wiping the tear away from the corner of her eyes.

"You know the nearby children's hospital? I was thinking of joining there."

"Hmm. There is a lot of kids who doesn't have parents. Give your best." Shreekant patted her shoulder. He was proud of his daughter.

"Nandini, have you really forgotten Manik?" Nyonika wiped.

Nandini was looking down. She was trying to hide her tears. So, she could reply.

Shreekant stopped her with a stern look. "Don't utter his name in this happy occasion. Nandini, come with me. I have something to show you."

Shreekant left with Nandini from there. Other side Nyonika was crying looking at Manik's pic.

"Nandini, this is Smaran. He is handling his father's business from college only. He has also become very successful. He is a nice boy. I have also met him few times. I am sure you will like him." He handed over a photo to her.

Nandini was sitting there looking down.

Shreekant caressed her hair lovingly. He could feel what she must be going through but he couldn't overlook what his son has done to this innocent girl. So, he has to mend his mistake. "I know what you must be thinking. There is no use thinking of Manik. I am saying this for your betterment only. Now you think what you want."

Shreekant was leaving from there when Nandini called him from behind. . . .

Precap: Nandini's decision.

Short update. Didn't get time.

Finally Manik is coming back. Will he come to fix everything?

Will Nandini agree for this alliance?

Do tell me and don't forget to vote.



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