Chapter 31

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Shreekant was leaving from there when Nandini called him from behind. Shreekant turned back. Nandini was still sitting in the same position looking down.

"I don't have any problem. I know you all wish good for me."

Shreekant smiled looking at her. "Okay. I will talk to Smaran. I will ask him to meet you. You both meet each other and spend some time, then decided, if you want to move ahead with him or not."

Nandini simply nodded her head without saying anything. She had nothing to say.

At night
Nyonika came to Shreekant. "What is all this, Shreekant? Do you have any idea of what you are doing?"

Shreekant looked at her. "What?"

"You are looking for boys for Nandini and asking me what!"

"You won't understand now, Nyonika. Once Nandini gets married, she will be happy. She will be busy with her new family, then she won't think of Manik anymore. Also she won't get anything apart from pain with his name."

Nyonika looked at him in disbelief. "I can't believe it! How can you do this to your own son? Will you ever think of him?"

Shreekant got up and stood facing his back to her. "Who son? I don't have any son?" Then Shreekant left from there.

Outside Nandini was busy in doing some household chores. Ankita called her.

"Nandini, how do you like the boy we have seen for you?" Ankita asked standing beside her.

"I can't understand why you are bothered about my wedding so much. Can't you give me a little time? I just got my result."

Ankita got angry. "We have waited a lot and also heard of you a lot which is the biggest mistake of my life. I liked the boy, Smaran. He is coming to meet you tomorrow. Be ready."

"But mumma, I have to go to hospital tomorrow. Then how...." Nandini tried to stop her as she was in no mood any boy now.

"He will meet you in your hospital only. I have already told him. Now don't tell me that no one can meet you in the hospital."

Nandini didn't have anything to answer. She looked down. She had no other option than accepting what her mother was saying.

"Remember it."

After Ankita left Nandini sat there only. She was not feeling good with all this things. She didn't want all this to happen. She has never imagined anyone else than Manik in her life. She can't imagine herself to be with anyone other than Manik.

Alya came there and sat beside her, "Nandini, do you know why Manik had left?"

Nandini looked at her. "Why?"

"For a girl named Soha. She loves Manik a lot."

Nandini was quiet. She didn't look up.

"Look at this."

Now Nandini remembered the phone call. It was her.


Now she understood why Manik didn't pick up those calls in front of her. Why he used to cut them whenever she used to be around.

"Why did you do this, Manik? You could have told me once, I would have away moved away from your way and from your life and never showed my face to you ever again. There was no need to do all this. I don't deserve all this. Do I? If  had any idea of this, then I would have never come in front of you." - Nandini thought in mind as a tear drop slipped from her eyes.

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 (𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐) Where stories live. Discover now