Chapter 9

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Nandini was going out of Manik's room angrily but thinking something she came back again.

Manik was taken aback seeing her returning. "Are you okay, Nandini? Do you need something?"

Nandini didn't say anything. She glared at Manik one last time then she just took the bottle from Manik's hand and started drinking without caring about anything. While drinking she was looking directly into Manik's eyes. Her eyes were blood red. She drank half of the bottle in a go. Before she could drink more, Manik took the bottle from her hand. Manik was hell worried with the sudden stunt Nandini had just pulled on him right now.

"Nandini, are you crazy? I was just kidding nothing else. You took it seriously?" Manik shouted but not so loudly.

Nandini sat on the bed pouting cutely. Looking at Manik, she started battling her eyelashes. She was looking damn adorable that Manik was having a hard time to even move his gaze away from her. "Why will I be crazy? Huh!!! What do you think I can't drink like those girls of London with whom you used to hang out? Huh sorry, Mr Malhotra, I can drink too. So, I just showed you a demo. Don't underestimate me from next time." She patted her own shoulder.

Now it was time for Manik to be tensed. First Nandini had consumed so much of alcohol. That too it was her first time. He was cursing himself for testing her so bad and making her angry. He was getting more and more worried thinking about how will she control herself and how will he handle her. What would be her condition? He has landed himself in a great trouble.

Stubborn Nandini is too difficult to deal with.........

It's been half an hour since Manik and Nandini were sitting silently. Till now Manik was relaxed that Nandini didn't create any mess, she did not even say anything. She was just sitting quietly staring at the carpet of his room.

Suddenly he saw Nandini pressing her forehead with a frown on her face. He hurriedly got up from his place and went beside her. Then he started pressing her forehead softly and with other hand he was caressing her knuckle.

Manik became all worried seeing her. "Nandini, what happened to you? Are you having a headache? Should I get medicine for you? What was the need of drinking that? I did that intentionally just to tease you. But you took it seriously."

Nandini removed his hand from her forehead. "It's okay, Manik. I am fine."

Manik again held her forcefully as she was not letting him touch her moving continuously. "No, you are not. I can see that clearly."

Suddenly Nandini stood up from her place and twirled around as if she was a little girl and she was showing her dress to someone. Then she told, "See, Manik. I am alrightttttt." Her eyes were drowsy.

That time only Nandini lost her balance and was about to fall down. Before she could touch the floor, Manik held her in his strong arms and Nandini also clutched his shirt tightly in her grip and kept her head on his chest. She was feeling as if she was drowning but couldn't tell Manik.

"I can't send Nandini to Alya's room right now in this condition. She is totally drunk and not in her senses. I don't know what mess she will create going there, if I leave her alone now. I can't take any risk," Manik thought in mind.

Then thinking for sometime, Manik picked up Nandini in his arms and was about to make her lie down on his bed that time only Nandini shouted, "No... No... No, Manik."

"What happened Nandini? Why are you shouting? Are you okay?" Manik was checking her head to toe.

She held Manik more tightly. "I am feeling like sleeping in your arms. I want to be like this only. Don't put me down. I will get drowned, if you will put me there."

"But Nandini how long I will hold you like this? My hands will pain, baby." Manik caressed her cheeks softly with his knuckle.

Nandini moved her head stubbornly. "You have to hold me like this only whole night. I am not hearing any excuse. Hmm."

"Oh God, Nandini is totally drunk. What will I do know? If I won't agree, then she would again shout and anyone can wake up hearing her. It won't look good, if someone finds us like this. They will probably misunderstand the whole matter. I have to make Nandini understand calmly. Yes, I will make her understand calmly. I hope she will listen to me," Manik thought in mind.

Manik was busy in thinking how will he convince Nandini. But suddenly Nandini again shouted, "Manikkkkk."

He looked at her worriedly. "What happened, Nandini? Do you need anything? Are you feeling any pain? Tell me."

Nandini pulled Manik's cheeks with her hands and then kissing there cutely. "You are so cute, Manik."

Manik couldn't help chuckling at her antics.

How can someone be so cute and innocent!!!

"Nandini, now lie down here on the bed. I will hold you on my lap for the whole day tomorrow. Okay?"

Nandini didn't reply anything. So, Manik turned towards her to find her eyes close. He thought maybe she fell asleep. So, Manik made her lie down on the bed carefully. Then he thought he will sleep on the sofa for tonight.

Manik was about to get up and go to sofa when he noticed Nandini was holding the collar of his shirt tightly. He tried to free his shirt from his grip but her grip became more tight on them. She was not ready to leave it. Manik didn't have any option left so, he also lied down beside Nandini.

Nandini opened her eyes a little and looked into Manik's eyes. Manik moved some hair strands from Nandini's face which were disturbing her view. Nandini was still staring at Manik.

"Why are you staring at me like this?"

"Do you still love me?"

Manik nodded his head smilingly. Nandini's face adored with a beautiful smile which took away Manik's heart once again.

Nandini moved a little close to Manik and took his lips for a slow yet passionate kiss. At first Manik was in dilemma what to do. He was not ready for the sudden kiss but later he also responded back with the same intensity.

Unwillingly they both drift into deep slumber.

Precap: New morning.

That's all for today. Next part will be here soon. Till then shower your love in this part.

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