Chapter 28

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I am late.... Actually very late but what to do I am was sick then I didn't feel like writing anymore. I think I am lost interest in writing. I guess I am not gonna start anymore new book after these ongoing ones.


In London
Manik was found sitting in front of a doctor who was looking serious. Maybe something was seriously wrong. "You should have come earlier, Mr Malhotra. It's very late."

"Sorry, doctor. I was busy." Manik let out a sigh as a flash of Nandini's smiling face hit his mind.

"She was just asking about you. She keeps on chanting your name. If you didn't come now, then it would have been difficult for us to save her."

Manik had nothing to say. He could only hum. To save one life, he has already another one who is more important to him.

Manik was feeling restless. He was sitting in the corridor of hospital. He was thinking, if he hadn't saved Soha that night, then this day would have never arrived. He was cursing himself for the thing he has done before.

Manik looked back hearing Anurag calling him.

"Soha is now fine, uncle. Don't worry." Manik managed to speak but his voice was sounding dead, devoid of any emotion.

"I know she is fine. All this happened because of you. Thank you so much, Manik." Anurag knew what they are doing was wrong but sometimes fate forces us to be selfish.

"Don't say like this."

"Now you are here Soha will be perfectly alright."

"Mr Malhotra, come with me please." A nurse came there looking for Manik.

Seeing Manik, Soha was out of the world. She called Manik near her. Manik sat beside her her on a chair.

"How are you, Soha?"

Soha smiled brightly seeing Manik. "Best. Now you are here how can I be not fine."

"Why did you do all this?"

"Because you left me." She battled her eyelashes trying to look cute where she failed measurably.

Manik couldn't take it anymore. "That doesn't mean you will try to commit suicide." He shouted in frustration.

"Why are you scolding me?" Soha tried to hold Manik's hand but he already took a step back not wanting her to touch him. He was already in a bad mood and he was holding himself back with a great difficulty not wanting to hurt her.

"I am not." Manik closed his eyes trying to calm his nerves but the girl in front of him was already giving him a hard time.

"Okay. Never scold me." Soha smiled.

"Hmm." Manik was getting irritated with her behavior. If it was someone else, then he would have run away from here till now.

"Let's go home." Soha told excitedly.

"We will but before that you have to get well."

Soha opened all the wires from her hand and tried to get up.

"What are you doing, Soha? You are still weak." Manik tried to stop her.

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 (𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐) Where stories live. Discover now