Chapter 1 the autistic merman and his mermaid friend

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One day in Philadelphia Pennsylvania best friends Mark Johnson who's autistic & Jennifer Davies we're hanging out swimming at the Rec Center with Jennifer helping Mark prepare to become a merman. Mark says this is fun Jen thanks for bringing me here and in time I will be a great merman like you are a great mermaid. Jennifer said Mark this is the start we need to practice with you swimming your tail. Then suddenly a light glows in the middle of the pool that shocks everyone from the lifeguards to even our protagonists. Jennifer and Mark decide to investigate and then suddenly both are teleported to a mysterious cave with a pool full of seawater. They both say huh how did we end up here we were in Philadelphia at the Rec Center Pool one moment the next we find ourselves here in this cave. Mark asks what should we do? Jennifer says the only way out is to swim underwater to see where this takes us. Mark says I can't hold my breathe for long normally I say ladies first but we need to stay together since we are in a unknown place. Jennifer agreed and both dive underwater not aware it was a full moon and the water began to sparkle as the moonlight hits our heroes. Then proceed to swim underwater until they find a coral reef. Suddenly they are teleported back to the Rec Center like nothing happened. They are back in the pool and they both get out then head home. The next day strange things start happening to both Jennifer and Mark. Jennifer as she turns the water on for her sink, and puts her hand under the facet suddenly she gets a orange tail and top then screams. Mean while Mark is drinking water in his room and spills some on him and then he too also gets a blue tail as he says what in the world? Then afterwards both call each other to talk about what happened to each other. Both became a mermaid & a merman for real both decide to look up the place they were teleported to. They discover the cave and realized they were teleported to Mako Island off the coast of Gold Coast Queensland in Australia and the pool they were in a was a moon pool. Jennifer as she's with her son and daughter Marth & Lexi and she tells them but also reminds them to not tell anyone else that mommy is a real mermaid. Mean while at Mark' house his sister Joanna discovers her brother with a blue tail on his bed then she gets their mother and father. Mark says it's long story it started when Jennifer and I were at the pool and we got teleported to Mako Island and it's moon pool. Mark explains what happened to his family and they agree to keep the secret. Mean while on Mako Island the forces response for Jennifer & Mark's teleportation was a evil mermaid named Aurora. She had blonde hair and her plan is to destroy Nerissa a mermaid she turned into a water dragon who made her wipe out the Eastern Pod and will do anything at all costs to finish her off. She hides in a chamber that was previously abandoned.

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