Chapter 4 Jennifer and Mark' first moon spells

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At the Ritz Hotel in Center City Philadelphia Rikki gets Jennifer and Mark their own rooms. Then moments later Jennifer's younger brother Jack Davies shows up with his girlfriend Nancy Jackson to join in helping our heroes deal with their first full moon. Then they and the girls head to the restaurant where they meet up with a group men. These men are the ones that the girls spoke of earlier to Jennifer and Mark. A man with blonde hair he was Lewis Cleo's husband, the man with black hair was Ash Emma's husband, the other man with blonde hair was Will Bella's husband, and lastly the man with dark hair was Zane Rikki's fiancé. They are introduced to Jennifer and Mark. Zane talks about how he and Rikki got back together again and then one day he asked her to marry him. Ever since their senior year in high school Zane was a changed man he went onto making Rikki's the cafe he started out of the old JuiceNet Cafe and named after Rikki herself into a successful franchise around the world while also helping financing Rikki's expeditions. It took both of them years to truly forgive each other but Zane never gave up on Rikki at all. While at dinner they meet up with Maria who was also there with other YouTubers like Gloria Maxine aka GloriesOverVictory another Australian. They all had a great dinner and then they went up to their rooms. The boys help Mark out while the girls help Jennifer out. They prepare to make sure neither of them touch water or look at moonlight. Mark tells Lewis, Zane, Ash, Will, and Jack how he and Jennifer became a mermaid and a merman. While Jennifer tells Rikki, and other girls expect for Nancy and Maria as they already knew about her being a mermaid as a gig. Emma tells Jennifer about their friend Ms. Louise Chatham who they met while they were teens and she warned them about full moons. The full moon rises both Jennifer and Mark prepare. They ask their friends to get them water to drink. Then suddenly the moonlight hits their glasses both touch the water then they start to act strange. Jennifer starts to sing while Mark acts like a kid and says Where's Jenny at? I want to know where Jenny is at. Jennifer's song enchants Mark and both leave the hotel together and head down to the Delaware River. Both dive in and they transform then they swim really fast surrounded by bubbles down the Delaware. As Ash, Zane, Lewis, Will, Maria, Jack, and Nancy join the search for them. Gloria asks Maria what's going on here? Maria says it's hard to explain but here's the short story both Jennifer & Mark have gone missing. A hour later both swim back to Penns Landing where Ash, Zane, Lewis, Will, Maria, Jack, and Nancy find them and take them back to the hotel to lock them up for the night. The next day both Jennifer & Mark return to normal after their little night time swim in the Delaware. Rikki says it happened to us lots of times before. Our friend Ms. Chatham and her friends were originally mermaids in 1955 until they all gave up being mermaids by going to Mako on a night where the planets were aligned with each other every 50 years. After they jumped into the moon pool during that full moon they lost their tails & powers. Years later the granddaughter of one of those mermaids almost made us lose our tails that way. Her name was Charlotte & she came between Cleo & Lewis but in the end she lost as she didn't deserve to be a mermaid as her grandmother would had been disappointed in her for her actions. Her grandmother's name was Gracie you see they had 3 lockets that were them made by a man named Max Hamilton who helped Lewis out at the time. He dated Gracie until they broke up. Rikki said you both are my guests at the Independence Seaport Museum to see the treasures I have recovered over the years.

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