Chapter 2 the live-streaming near disaster

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Days later Jennifer and her kids head over to her friend Shaun's house for her ‪Friday night‬ livestream. Meanwhile Mark is filming a video for his YouTube channel over by the museum of art he runs into his old friend ‪Maria Taylor‬ who has 2 channels PkmnMaster Maria & Maria Potter. Mark and Maria catch up with each other and he tells her about Jennifer being a Twitch streamer. Suddenly Mark and Jennifer's sworn enemies Ron Roberts, Dan Miller, and Peter Stevenson show up for a livestream of Maria's. Dan who's been one of Mark' personal enemies he starts causing trouble with him followed by Ron, and lastly Peter who has a huge beef against our heroes. Peter goes over to Mark to try to punch him in the face for a early altercation and fails when suddenly Mark discovers he has powers by spraying water from the Schuylkill River onto him. Then suddenly Dan comes over to him and suddenly he slipped on ice created by Mark. Then Ron comes over to him, picks him up and throws him into the Schuylkill River. Mark suddenly transforms after hitting the water he suddenly feels a burst of speed surrounded by bubbles as he swims away and then Maria goes over to the river bank to see Mark in his tail as she helps him out of the water after he says Maria please help me out. She does that as she's shocked to see Mark is a merman. Maria said Mark what's going on here can you please explain? Mark said I will tell you later not in front of them and not here. Then he suddenly finds himself using heat to dry himself off and he's back to normal in his clothes all dried up like he never was thrown into the water by Ron. Luckily for Mark Maria wasn't live-streaming when this happened. Maria tells Ron, Dan, and Peter to all leave before she threatens to call the cops on them. Maria decided to treat Mark to dinner as they discuss what happened to him and Jennifer while training to be a merman for a gig. Then she takes him home and she tells his parents about what happened and they are glad to hear that he was alright and glad to hear she would keep the secret. Meanwhile at Shaun's house Jennifer sets up her laptop for her stream while connecting it to Shaun's PlayStation 4. Mark calls Jennifer to tell her what happened to him and how Maria knows the secret due to saving him. Jennifer says Mark I'm glad Maria saved you from Ron, Dan, and Peter . Mark says yeah me too Jennifer I discovered that I have powers first I controlled water from the river and splashed Peter with it, then ice formed on the ground and Dan slipped on it, and after I got out of the water I felt heat on my tail and then I was dried up. You likely have powers too yourself please be careful and while streaming. Jennifer said ok I will and also try to discover my own powers too. A hour later Jennifer starts her livestream and streams Mortal Kombat 11. During her stream as it peaceful despite connection issues near the end Lexie accidentally spills juice on Jennifer who gets mad at Lexie and she ends the stream and then runs into the kitchen where she turns into a mermaid as Shaun sees her on the floor of his kitchen and his dog goes over to her. Jennifer then explains to Shaun what happened and tells her the story about her and Mark becoming Merpeople. Jennifer discovers she also has the same power as Mark being able to dry herself with heat to her tail. Then moments later Jennifer calms Lexie down for spilling her drink as she was crying. Then she calls Mark to tell her what happened. The next day Jennifer goes over to Mark' house and they have lunch while talking about their newly discovered powers.

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