Chapter 18 Rikki & Zane's wedding

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Rikki & Zane prepare for their wedding as Zane said let's hold our wedding at the cafe. Rikki said good idea Zane but which cafe the Ocean Café was damaged during the fight when Erik attacked it. Zane said I mean at our cafe Rikki's the one I named after you and successfully turned into a franchise. Rikki says oh yeah I forgot that cafe we can give people from the Ocean Café temporary jobs. Zane said that's a great idea I will talk to David about this. Zane calls David and tells him about him & staff are welcomed to temporarily work at Rikki's until the Ocean Café is repaired. David says thanks you are a lifesaver. Zane says also I'm going to have my wedding there do you want to come to it? David says yes of course wouldn't miss it for the world. David tells Sirena about this and the wedding. Sirena shrieks out of excitement to be singing at a wedding. At the Grotto Rita tells everyone about Rikki & Zane' wedding we have been invited including the hatchlings. Evie says my shop is temporarily closed due to the damage caused by the fighting with Erik. However I did learn from David my inventory has been moved to Rikki's the cafe Zane owns. However I will ask my friend who gave Sirena her dress for her jazzy night at the cafe that one time if she can hook the hatchlings and everyone else up with dresses & suits. Everyone heads to the shop the Evie's friend owns and she's a woman with ginger hair who greets everyone. She gets everyone fitted for their outfits. Everyone comes out with amazing dresses. Rikki calls Rita and she tells them she wants the hatchlings as her flower girls. Rita tells Neptina, Amaris, Naia, Jewel, & Ava and the girls were excited to hear this news. The next day the rehearsal for the wedding begins with no problems at all. Then the following day the real wedding begins. Our heroes the girls Jennifer, Nancy, & Lexi are in amazing dresses, while the boys Jack, Mark, & Marth are wearing suits. Everyone watches as Zane has Nate a man with black hair as his best man, while Ash, Lewis, & Will are his grooms men. Rikki is walked the aisle by Terry with Bella, Cleo, & Emma as her bridesmaids. Both Rikki & Zane prepare to exchange their vows. The priest says and asks Do you Zane Bennett take Rikki Chadwick as your wife? Zane says I do. Then the priest says and asks Rikki Chadwick do you take Zane Bennett as your husband in sickness, and in wealth? Rikki says I do. The priest says you may kiss the bride. The priest says I pronounce you husband & wife. Rikki & Zane kiss each other. Then afterwards everyone enjoys the party inside & outside the cafe. Everyone is dancing with each other as they are treated to singing by Bella, Carly, & Sirena. Afterwards Bella, Carly, & Sirena dance with Will, Cam, & David. Rikki throws the Bouquet and the lucky woman to catch it was Evie. After a long day of celebrating everyone goes home and calls it a night.

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